"There's pain behind everything beautiful"

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"I'm gay" Louis mumbles.

And there it was. The fear of not being accepted. The fear of getting laughed at, or even worse, ignored.

Why did I even confess it?

For a moment, Harry went silent. That was when Louis realized he fucked up a big one.

"That's beautiful" he heard Harry whisper.

Louis was confused as hell.

"What? What's so beautiful about being gay?" Louis was shocked.

"The fact that you say it so...so proudly, with such freedom, like that's the thing you love the most about yourself. You say it with such confidence, that's what's so beautiful." The curly-haired boy said, eyes watering.

Louis was shocked, completely mesmerized. He never confessed he was gay, in fact, some people knew it. For example, Calum, or some girls that knew the real reason Ms. Fucked-up-face Calder lied.

-2 weeks ago-

"Why did you do that to me? Why...?" Louis cried as he hoped his life would end right here, right now.

"Because, little faggots like you don't get to ruin my family." Ms. Calder said, disguise clear on her face.

"But- But you ruined my life, and I didn't even do anything..."

"Shut up, you little slut. My son was not like that, you turned him into a monster like you. He would never do something like that. I will press changes."

"Do it." Suddenly, Louis heard his sister's lovely voice.

"Lottie?" Louis said, confused.

"I said do it. Press charges. You said, that you slept with him, and he'll say that you forced him to, which, apparently, is called rape. So do it." Lottie said, taking Louis' hand in her hand. Although, she wasn't older than Louis, in fact, she was only 19, her hands seemed to be bigger that Louis'. Her fingers were much longer, and, to be honest, she was a bit taller than Louis. Well...yes, Louis is quite small.

"Charlotte, don't" Ms. Calder said.

"C'mon Lou. Lets leave this bitch and watch her reputation burn in hell" Lottie said as she flipped Eleanor off, her and Louis left the room.

"Mind explaining how she found out?" Lottie said, clearly annoyed, but not mad.

"Well...she saw me..with Nick...and..well..." Louis mumbled.

"Louis William Tomlinson" Lottie rased her eyebrows.

"We were kissing."

"You what? Are you trying to tell me you were kissing Nick Grimshit?" Lottie was smiling, Louis didn't really know why, nor did he wast to know the reason behind it.

"Yes, so what?" Louis tears dried on his cheeks, but he still felt like crying.

"Louis! He's straight as a pol" Louis' sister yelled, then covered her mouth.

"Apparently, he is not. Look, can we please not talk about this? I made a big mistake, I shouldn't have kissed him. Let's just go home." Louis said, as tears filled his eyes once again.

-Current time-

"Don't you find it beautiful?" Harry asked

"You know what I find beautiful? That you can find beautiful what I can not. That's what's beautiful to me" Louis said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Why am I always fucking crying? He thought.

"Don't cry." Harry said, his own tears still wet on his face.

"What's your secret, then?" Louis said, calming a bit.

"Huh....well, I like to draw..but I'm not very good at it." Harry said and Louis face-palmed.

"That's your secret?" Louis laughed.

"Well, I only draw the people I love." Harry said, smiling and looking down.

"But why?" Louis suddenly got interested.

"Well, I can draw people I don't have feelings for, but it never turns out well. I just simply don't like the way the drawings look." Harry admitted.

Louis didn't quite understand the meaning behind that. That's why he though it was very deep. If you don't understand something, you think it's way too deep for you to understand.

"I like drawing sleeping people." Harry said, smiling at his feet."But enough about me, lets talk about you." Curly-haired boy said, taking Louis' smaller hand into his bigger one.

The small action sent chills down Louis' spine, goosebumps forming all over his skin.

"What about me? I'm just a kid, who likes to write lyrics, which you already know." Louis laughed, not believing how dumb he just sounded. He was so much more than just a kid who writes heartbreaking lyrics.

"Is there something behind the lyrics? You looked a bit emotional earlier today."

"There's a story behind every line. The story behind the one you read today is...pain."

"I believe there's pain behind every beautiful thing ever created." Harry said, making Louis' mind explode.

Who is this boy?

Louis wanted to cry. He wanted to scream and shout, let the pain go. But, he did the thing he was best at doing, which is, laugh it all off,

"Fucking philosopher" He laughed, Harry following him. Their laughters sounded so beautiful together, almost harmonizing. "Well, you should really take me home cos my mom will freak out." Louis said after a while.

"Uh..yeah..yeah, I should" Harry mumbled.

They got up, going in different directions, and accidentally bumping into each other.

"Oops!" Harry said.


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