Chapter 2

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You Have An Appointment

Eleanor and Jim meet up with Bones and take the lift up to the bridge, entering they see York town.

"Wow." Eleanor says, looking at it in awe.

"That is impressive." Chekov agrees.

"Aye, she's a beauty, isn't she?" Scotty says.

"What a damn monstrosity. Couldn't we just rent some space on a planet?" Bones asks, looking at it in horror.

"Showing geographical favoritism among inductive Federation worlds could cause diplomatic tension." Spock explains.

"Oh, you don't think that looks tense?" Bones says, making Eleanor smile, "Looks like a damn snow globe in space, just waiting to break." he says cynically, making everyone look at him.

"That's the spirit, Bones." Jim says.

Jim and Eleanor walk out of the ship hand in hand. Stopping just outside, the two see Uhura and Spock talking, making Eleanor sigh "I wish he'd get his head out of his ass." she says making Jim chuckle, "Nyota won't even tell me what happened, only that he's the one who broke it off.".

"Alright, I have a meeting, and you have an appointment with Bones." Jim tells her, kissing her hand, he lets go and heads to his meeting.

Walking into the clinic Bones said to meet at, Eleanor finds him looking over some medical equipment.


Not looking back at her, he gestures to the exam bed next to him "Sit down over there." he says, pointing to the bed next to them.

"No bedside manners, as per usual." she says, hoisting herself up and onto the bed. Bones finally turns around holding a needle, "I'm gonna take your blood, run some tests, roll up your sleeve.". Doing as she's told she waits for the pinch of the needle, winching a bit when it happens.

"I'm going to run some tests on this, wait here for a minute." Bones says, turning and walking away.

Swinging her legs back and forth, she waits for what seems like hours. Bones returns carrying a PADD, with what she assumes are the test results. 'Why does he look so surprised?' she thought to herself, now a little worried something is actually wrong.

Stopping in front of her, "Um, you're..." he trails off, handing her the PADD to look for herself.

"You're pregnant." Bones finally finishes.

Eleanor is silent for a few seconds, staring at the PADD that does indeed say she is pregnant.

'Pregnant?!' she exclaims in her head, 'Well, it does sort of make sense.'.

"Oh." was all that came out, sounding rather calm for the development.

"Oh?" Bones questions.

"Well, I don't know what to say." She says, placing a hand over her stomach, "Jim and I haven't really talked about kids.".

"I'm sure he'll be happy." Bones says, trying to cheer his friend up.

"Yeah, yeah you're right. I'll tell him later." Eleanor said, a small smile forming on her face.

"Thanks Bones.".

Eleanor just exits the clinic when Jim runs over to her.

"Ellie!" Jim yelled out, stopping right in front of her, he puts both of his hand on her shoulders, "I need to talk to you." He says sounding out of breath.

"I need to talk to you too, but you first." Eleanor says, with a smile.

"We have a mission." Jim says.

"Oh." Eleanor says, smile fading.

"We need to get going." Jim says, grabbing her hand and almost dragging her towards the ship, but pauses and turns to look at her over his shoulder, "Wait, what did you want to tell me?".

Eleanor didn't say anything for a moment, lost in her own thoughts.

"Eleanor?" Jim asks.


"What did you want to tell me?" Jim repeats himself.

She's really lost and confused about what to do, and quite possibly makes a big mistake, "Oh, nothing, it can wait." Eleanor says with a forced smile, which goes unnoticed by Jim.

'I have a feeling I'm going to regret saying that...'

✴DOUBT✴ // Jim Kirk [3]Where stories live. Discover now