Chapter 10

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I Have Something For You

"You didn't even try to get our time out here reduced?" Bones exclaims, as he and Jim walk towards their destination.

"Bones, we know our way through the nebula now. Can you imagine what we'll find?" Jim says.

"Alien despots, hell bent on killing us. Deadly space spawn viruses and bacteria. Incomprehensible cosmic anomalies that could wipe us out in an instant." Bones says, snapping his fingers for dramatic effect.

"It's going to be so much fun." Jim says, then looks at Bones confused, "By the way, where're we going? I thought we were going to get a drink." he asks, as the doors to a lounge opens.

"I know you told me to keep it under wraps, but..." Bones starts but is cut off by many voices.

"Happy birthday!" they all exclaim, raising their drinks.

Jim smiles and chuckles, "Mr. Sensitive?" Jim says to Bones, as Eleanor and Scotty walk up to the two of them handing them drinks.

"Thanks sweetheart." Jim says taking one of the drinks from her, looking at her drink he gives her a slightly confused look, "Just water?" he asks.

"Yeah, no alcohol for me today." she says with a smile, before he can ask why Bones interrupts.

"Everybody, raise your glass to Captain James T. Kirk." Bones says raising his glass, everyone following.

"Captain Kirk." everyone says.

"Thanks, everybody. To the Enterprise." Jim says raising his glass, everyone repeating his words, "And... to absent friends." he says, Eleanor hugs him from the side.

"Cheers." everyone says.

As everyone disperses, Eleanor turns to Jim, "I need to go talk to Bones real quick." she says, giving him a quick kiss.

"Okay?" Jim says, a little confused but doesn't question it, makes his way towards Scotty and Jaylah.

"Bones, do you have them?" Eleanor asks, coming to stand next to him.

Bones reaches into his jacket, pulling out a envelope and handing it to her, "Here.".

Eleanor gives him a big smile, "Thank you." she says, hugging the envelope to her chest.

Seeing Bones looking at something behind her, she looks over her shoulder, seeing Spock talking to Uhura. Seeing the smile on her friends face makes her own smile grow, "Seems like all is right with the world." she says, making Bones laugh with a huff.

As Uhura holds onto the necklace Spock had given her, Bones and Eleanor share a look with Spock, his eyes widening slightly, remembering the conversation they had on the Franklin.

The two just sip their drinks and walk away.

Bones and Eleanor walk up to Jim and Spock, she hugs Jim from behind, "Hey." she says.

Jim smiles, placing his hands over hers and looking over his shoulder, "Hey.". He then pulls her into his side, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"You really want to head back out there, huh?" Bones says, from Eleanor's right.

Jim simply nods his head and squeezes Eleanor into his side.

"I have something for you." Eleanor says, holding out the envelope to Jim.

"You didn't have to get me anything, sweetheart." he says, taking the envelope.

"No, but this you needed." she says, getting a confused look from Jim, "Just open it." she smiles.

Jim proceeds to open the envelope, he gently takes out what feel like a photo, pulling some of it out he sees it's mostly black, pulling more of it out takes his breath away.

It's a sonogram.

Jim whips his head over to look at Eleanor, then to her stomach, then back to her, "Ellie, you're pregnant?" he says, in almost a whisper.

"Yeah." Eleanor says, a smile equal to the one she wore on their wedding day .

Jim's face matches her own, he laughs and hugs her, slightly lifting her off the ground, "You're pregnant!" he exclaims, causing everyone to cheer.

Eleanor laughs, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, "If you're this happy about baby A, I can't wait to see your reaction to baby B." she says.

Jim sets her down and looks at her confused, "Baby B?" he questions.

Instead of saying something, Eleanor moves the sonogram that's in Jim's hand to the side, revealing another.

For the second time Jim's breath is knocked out of him, he laughs again, "Twins?!" he says, then turns to Bones - who he assumes did the sonogram - "Twins?!" he asks.

Bones smiles and simply nods.

"Twins!" he exclaims, making everyone laugh, "Oh my god! Eleanor Twins!" he says, picking her up once again.

Eleanor walks out of the bathroom, seeing Jim sitting at the end of the bed, staring at the sonograms, lost in thought. She walks over and takes a seat beside him, "What is it?" she asks.

Jim smiles at her, she can read him like a book, "I'm worried." he says.

She has an Idea about what, but chooses to ask anyway, "About what?".

Jim sighs, "About them." he places one of his hands on her stomach, "About what we're going to do, is a starship really the best place for kids? And... will I be a good father?".

Eleanor frowns, "Oh, Jim." she cradles his face in her hands, "You are going to be an amazing father. I see it in how you are as a captain, so caring, loving, kind and protective.".

Jim gives her a misty eyed smile, "And raising them on The Enterprise?" he asks.

Eleanor takes a minute to gather her her words, "Well, they wouldn't be the first to be raised on a starship." she says, "And, I have this kind of gut feeling, there isn't going to be anymore surprises.".

Jim, places his hand back on her stomach, "I love you. All three of you.".

Eleanor smiles, tears gathering in her own eyes, "We love you more.".

Nine months later.

Grace Jaylah Kirk and  George Christopher Kirk were born.

✴DOUBT✴ // Jim Kirk [3]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum