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Tommy grappled with the unyielding current of murky water, desperately striving to reach a nearby concrete house. The relentless force thwarted his progress, draining his strength. As he fought against the torrent, a realization set in—it was too late to seek refuge in the small house. The water had drained his energy, ensnaring him in its relentless flow. Clinging to anything within reach, he tried to anchor himself, but his attempts proved futile. With no alternative, Tommy surrendered to the current, contorting his body into a protective ball to minimize the risk of sharp objects piercing him.

When the water finally subsided, Tommy found himself marked by blade scratches. His arms, face, and body bore the scars of submerged obstacles. Despite the ordeal, he collected himself and, minutes later, began searching for other survivors, observing the eerily flat landscape.

"Hello!!! Is there anybody here who needs help!!!" he shouted into the desolation, the echoes fading without a response.

Regrettably, his quest revealed only a familiar hand emerging from a mound of mud and debris. Without hesitation, Tommy rushed over, clearing away the obstructions to reveal his longtime rival, Leonardo, pleading for help.

Untangling Leonardo from the wreckage, Tommy inquired, "Are you hurt?"

"Fuck yes! Why wouldn't I?!" Leonardo retorted angrily, frustration evident in his tone.

"Okay, sorry, just askin'," Tommy apologized, kneeling beside Leonardo. "Can I do anything to ease your pain?" he offered sincerely.

Leonardo, however, directed his ire at Tommy, blaming him for the injuries. "It can still be fixed, man... I'm sorry... Forgive me," Tommy apologized, unexpectedly extending a genuine olive branch to his longstanding adversary. Leonardo looked at him with surprise but ultimately sighed, acknowledging the unexpected gesture.

"Help me up. We're going to that damn evacuation center," Leonardo winced as he forced his injured hand to work.

"I know something that can help your leg," Tommy suggested, unbuckling his belt and gathering branches. Carefully placing makeshift splints on either side of the bone protruding from Leonardo's leg, he secured them with his belt. "Okay, I know this might hurt. If you don't want to do this, we can stop... Just tell me when it hurts," Tommy reassured, displaying an unusual empathy toward his rival.

"Stop sounding like we're going to have sex. Just make it quick, because I am not a coward like you!" Leonardo remarked with a mixture of pain and sarcasm. Tommy chose to ignore the comment, focusing on the task at hand, determined to assist his adversary in this dire situation.

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