"As promised, you have first move, my dear" Viggo stated, snapping me out of my thoughts. I moved one of my pieces, starting the game. We moved our pieces continuously, both Viggo and I claiming each other's pieces. We played the game for about two hours before Viggo stopped, staring at me with a look of surprise. I was confused. It was his turn, so why wasn't he moving any of his pieces? "Well, I have to admit, my dear, I was not expecting this outcome. Especially since this is your first time playing Maces and Talons." Now I was really confused. 

"What do you mean? Why aren't you moving your pieces?" Viggo smirked, chuckling at me. I probably looked like an idiot, but I didn't care. I had no idea what was happening. 

"You really don't know, do you?" Viggo remarked, his smirk turning into a grin as his gaze softened. I crossed my arms, leaning back in my seat as I studied the board. My eyes scanned the game board before I finally noticed what I had missed. There had been a break in between the line Viggo had placed his hunter pieces in. I had noticed it during my turn and decided to take a chance, having moved one of my hunter pieces through the break that he obviously hadn't seen at the time. It was only now that I was actually paying attention however that I noticed my hunter was cornering Viggo's main piece, the Chief of the Marauders. 

"I... I won?" I asked, still not entirely sure of what I was seeing. 

"It seems so, Melia." I looked up at Viggo in surprise. He rarely ever used my name, even when we were alone. 

"I enjoyed that match very much." Viggo remarked, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"I did as well. It was interesting playing for the first time." I stated. Viggo grinned at me before looking down at the board. He reached down and picked a piece up off the board, holding it out in between the both of us to show me. 

"This piece reminds me just a bit of you." I looked from the piece he was holding in his hand to his face. 

"What is it?" 

"It's called the Accomplice." Viggo explained, bringing it closer to his face as he rotated it between his fingers, studying it. "This piece allows a player to use one of their opponents pieces for their own gain." 

"That reminds you of me?" I asked, slightly confused. 

"Well, you are helping both sides of the game board." I registered his words for a moment before chuckling slightly. 

"I guess your right." Viggo grinned. Suddenly, the piece was forcefully taken from Viggo's hand by some invisible force, making us both confused until whatever had taken the piece became visible, revealing Leafblender with the piece hanging out of his mouth. Viggo stood from his chair and reached his hand out towards Leafblender in an attempt to take the piece from him, but Leafblender pulled away at the last second, tripping Viggo with his tail as he hid behind my chair. 

"Hey!" Viggo exclaimed. I laughed at what was going on before snapping my mouth shut when I saw Viggo glaring at me. Viggo got back on his feet and continued to try and take the Maces and Talons piece back from Leafblender without any success. I had even joined in halfway through, but I honestly felt like I was just getting in the way since I had absolutely no idea how to get the game piece from Leafblender when he was acting like this. 

"Leafblender, can calm down and give back the-" I started, but Leafblender ran past me, his tail smacking me as he past, the force of the blow causing me to stumble back into the wall behind me. I pushed myself away from the wall only to be forced back against it when Viggo stumbled forward. He had a hand pressed on the wall behind me to keep himself from falling into me. He glanced over his shoulder, glaring at Leafblender who squawked out a laugh. Viggo turned back towards me, our eyes locking together. After a few moment, I realized just how close we were and my heart beat picked up to a million beats a minute, my face heating up. I wanted to push him away to bring some space between us, but I was afraid he'd take it the wrong way. We stared at each other for a bit longer before suddenly, Viggo leaned down towards me. I could feel my heart skip a beat and my breath caught in my throat as his face drew closer to mine. Viggo paused, his face just mere inches from mine. 

"May I?" Viggo asked, his warm breath tickling my lips. I gave him a small nod, my voice completely stuck in my throat at the moment. Finally, Viggo closed the gap between us, capturing my lips in a gentle kiss. Both Viggo and my eyes were closed as we kissed, Viggo's beard tickling my skin. After what seemed like a lifetime, we broke apart for breath. "I hope this means you feel the same as I, my dear." Viggo commented, pressing his forehead against mine. 

"If you're asking that after all this time of getting to know you, I've fallen for you, then yes, I believe I have." Viggo chuckled, pressing another quick kiss to my lips before pushing himself away from me, allowing me to pry myself from the wall. We stared at each other for a while until I felt something nudge my arm. I look over to see Leafblender, smiling cheekily with the game piece still in his mouth. 

"Give me that, you stupid lizard." I said, grabbing the game piece, prying it from his grip before handing it to Viggo. 

"Hey, Alpha." Leafblender squawked in a teasing tone. 


"Viggo and Melia sitting in a tree..." Leafblender started in a sing-song voice. 

"Don't you start." I warned, giving him a death glare. 

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Leafblender finished before bounding out of the room, letting out squawks of laughter as I ran after him. 

"Get back here, you useless reptile!" 

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