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~Ashley, Azalea, May _____________________________

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~Ashley, Azalea, May

After six months, everything was back to normal. Today was the day that Alden got his new legs.

At Ataraxy's Hospital-

"When will he wake up?" asked Violet

"When will he wake up?" asked Violet

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"I don't know. He is pretty lazy. So he will sleep a lot." replied Calla

" replied Calla

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"But isn't he going to be discharged today?" asked Violet

"Yes he is. But look at him, he is sleeping so peacefully. I don't think he is getting up any time sooner." replied Mika

"Hey what do you guys think Wren and Azalea must be doing right now?" asked Violet

"I'm pretty sure they are having fun. This is the royal joint councilmen party. Everyone of high class and status will be there. Even from Melancholia and Utopia. Bunch of rich brats." replied Calla

"Well aren't they lucky. Wrens father is one of the councilman, along with the head of Euphorias technology department, while Azaleas father is also a councilman along with being the member of the branch family and the portal owner. They must be having so fun." said Violet

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