In the End

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-Melancholia ___________________________

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These man eaters army were now attacking the royal castle. The guards were trying to fight them back but nothing would work on them.
Melancholias King and Euphorias King were both now looking down from the castle, trying to figure out what to do.

"Nothing's working on them. They are inside the castle and with in no time they would be up here. It's a good thing you had the castle and the town evacuated before." said King Ethan (The King of Euphoria)

They had locked the doors and had put something heavy in front of them to keep the man eaters from coming inside. The door was being banged and the guards holding it were being pushed back.
Suddenly they broke through.
Both the kings had guns in their hands and were ready to attack, just then the man eaters were killed from behind.
It was Jack, May and Calla.

"It's you guys!" said King Ethan

"Who are these people? Do you know them?" asked King Mark (The king of Melancholia)

"They are my people." replied King Ethan

"Come on, let's go. We have decided to meet up at the tower." said Jack

They started going out of the castle, with Jack, May and Calla fighting the man eaters and both the Kings following them.


"This place is empty. Isn't it strange?" asked Azalea

Azalea, Wren and Lark has just reached the mansion. It was empty and they couldn't see the portal.
Actually Wren and Lark couldn't see the portal. Once a portals been opened, only the portal owner could see it and can destroy it. It can be seen again if the portal owner touches it.

"I don't see it anywhere." said Wren as he looked around

"Oh I can see it. It's right behind you." said Azalea

"Well do you know how to destroy it?" asked Lark

"I don't even know how to open one properly." replied Azalea

"We need to hit the books." said Wren as he went in the direction of the library, with Lark and Azalea following him.

After ten minutes–

"I found something." said Lark

"What?" asked Wren

"It says here that a portal can only be destroyed if the person who opened it from the bottom of his/her heart truly wishes to not go." said Lark

"I see but I don't really wish to go. I never wanted to go there in the first place. So why is the portal still there?" asked Azalea

"It says that a portal made by speaking the vow, can only be broken if you take back the vow. And a vow can only be taken back by saying the exact words but by adding don't" said Lark

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