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~I don't know who I am
I don't care what I am
As long as I get to live
As long as I have my friends
I will be fine wherever I go
When Snow falls, it falls together
When it melts, it melts together~

~I don't know who I am I don't care what I am As long as I get to live As long as I have my friends I will be fine wherever I go When Snow falls, it falls togetherWhen it melts, it melts together~

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At Melancholias safe house-

"Oh my god! What happened?" asked Aster as she looked at an injured Wren, Azalea and Lark as they came in.

Lark and Azalea puts Wren in the medical room. A few members of their medic squads come and check Wren and immediately starts treating him.

"Seriously! What happened? Where were you guys?!" asked May

Lark and Azalea told them everything that happened.
"Your dads here?! asked Aster

"Yeah. He came out of nowhere." replied Azalea

"If he is here then that means that the king must be here." said May

"Yeah. Maybe they are having a joint meeting!" said Aster

"If that's the case, then it's really good." said Lark

"It took this many lives to make them do a joint meeting." said Azalea as she looked over at Wren who now had an oxygen mask on and was still unconscious.

"Is he going to be alright?" asked May

"Yeah I hope so. What about Jack? Is he awake yet?" asked Azalea

"Yeah. He went to check out things. You know how stubborn he is. I was thinking of giving him anaesthesia again." replied May

"There's something seriously wrong with you." said Lark

"Oh come on. It was a joke." said May as she smirked.

Just then Jack came in running. "They are here!" he shouted

"Who?!" asked May

"Those man eaters." He went on, "They know we are here."

"Let's run away quick!" said Lark

"But what about Wren?! They have just finished bandaging him." said Azalea

"Guess we will just carry him with us." said Jack

The medics squad leave the room and go out, but then there's a scream and in comes a hand cut from its body.

Jack peeks to look out and finds the man eaters eating the medics squad outside.

Jacks eyes go wide open.
He goes back inside and grabs his things and tells everyone that they are here.

They are about to go to where Wren is but at the same moment the man eaters come inside.

"We are here, people!" said Black

"Ah! Fresh meat and blood." said White as he sniffed in air and then looked at Wren.

Wisteria-A tale of Euphoria ✔️Where stories live. Discover now