Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: all rights to Ally Carter


Characters will be kinda OOC -SO DONT COMPLAIN

Zach POV

*Time Skip:4 weeks*

It's been about 4 weeks since my failed attempt at proposing. I still can't get it past my head that the Zachary Goode failed at something like that. I really want to be engaged to Cammie right now, but I thought bringing her on another extravagant adventure so close to the last one, plus another undying speech of my love to her might raise some suspicions. So, I waited, and planned. I have the perfect plan now that can't get messed up, it's better then that lousy plan propose a Blackthorne anyway. I mean that is just weird like, I don't even know why I tried that. It was just too, um, what's the word, oh yeah, cliché. This plan, oh, this plan. This plan is full proof. Plus, in my head, I think it's really sweet, and Cammie go head over heels for it.

"Camsters, can I have a word?" I yelled from our bedroom. I walked out of our bathroom after my quick shower wearing nothing but a towel. My abs were out in the open with little water droplets on them. My hair also was dripping wet. Cammie walked in and her eyes bulged out of her head. I swear, if I had a camera, this would be a Kodak moment.

"Like what you see?" I questioned.

"Maybe." She responded.

"What do I have to do to turn that maybe into a yes?" I asked sheepishly. My smirk turning bigger by the second. She says she hates my smirk, but I know it really turns her on. But, she's trained to lie, and she's a good liar, don't get me wrong, but she can't fool me. Not for a second.

She rolled her eyes, "Put some pants on."

"Fine, fine." I sighed. I threw on some khaki shorts with a black muscle tee. I really like muscle tees, they really show off my abs. I glanced at the clock. 8:43 AM. My bare feet slapped across the cold hardwood floors on my way to the kitchen. For once, Cammie's cooking actually smelled good. She's probably making toast. That's the one thing she can cook, but well, it doesn't take much skill to make toast, but it's the one thing she can make it doesn't taste repulsive. I smiled. Yeah, that's right, I smiled not smirked, smiled. Once I entered the kitchen Cammie spun around and smiled. I smiled back.

"Hey babe." I said said walking up to her giving her a peck on the lips.

"Hey boo." She responded. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Just another couple whose into PDA and calling each other babe and boo. But, we're not like that. Yeah sure we kiss and stuff in public sometimes, but we're not really into PDA. And I mean like totally public PDA, like making out in the street. We don't do that, as a matter of fact, we hate couples that do that. As for the boo and babe part, well, the nicknames kind of just flow out of our mouths. But, I do still call her Gallagher girl.

"How 'bout we do something today?" I casually asked.

"Mkay, what?"

"Trip to DC?"

She winked, "Why not." And left me to finish my toast. I figure now I might as well tell you my plan. So, a few days ago, I went and bought a red ruby slipper decoration just a little smaller then your hand. Me and Cammie were formally introduced in front of the red ruby super exhibit in the DC mall. I figure, if we go there in front of the exhibit, and I gave her the red ruby slippers as a present, I could tell her to actually examine the Red Ruby slipper in her hand. She will then examine it, and find her engagement ring inside the toe of the shoe. Then she will see me on the ground on one knee. I will then pop the question, you know, the big question, and she will hopefully say yes. This plan has to work. Plus, I think it's really cute, and I will be sure to remember the ring this time, I will be 100% positive that the ring is with me when we leave. What could go wrong?

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