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Sorry for the late new chapter.Hope you enjoy's really short.....srry..

My eyes were in shocked. i couldn't believe how can someone own this much. When the gates opened the car drove in.Suddenly the car stoped the driver came to my door and oened it. As i walked out i saw the mansion in front of my eyes. It was so big i mumbled to myself.

As I walked Blake was in front of me. He has a strong posture as he walks. And through his suit you can tell he is a muscular guy😏😏😏.Wait Lexi snap out of it. you just got sold to a cold hearted man.

Once I walked through the door, I saw a glowing chandelier. It was so pretty. As I gazed upon it Blake grabbed my arm. He threw me on his shoulder where my face was hanging towards his back. As I yelled "Put me down" many times he kept walking. why is he so stubborn I thought to myself. once we reached to the 3rd story of the building while he was still holding me, he slammed a door opened. I was scared at the moment.

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