Everyone But Tony...

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It's now or never, you sigh, shutting your diary before standing up to meet eyes with the man standing at the foot of your bed.

"Tony, I have feelings for you." You wait for pure laughter or an insensitive comment. When nothing comes you open your eyes. "Uh... Clint?"

"No. Way." The archer's mouth is open and you can see the combination of disapproval mixed with shock marked in his eyes. "Of all the people on this team!"

Your face burns red at this comment. "What does that mean!?" You can feel yourself going into full out panic mode, afraid that you made a huge mistake in confiding in Clint. You internally damned the archer for forcing you to role play this stupid incident.

Raising his hands up, Clint shakes his head. "Nothing. It means nothing." You heave a shoe at his head, but he moves before it connects with his forehead. "What the- what's wrong with you?"

"Get out of my room!" You push him into the hallway, wishing to be alone and maybe even wishing to fall off the Avengers tower if possible.

Clint mutters a bunch of apologies as you shut the door on his face, but you can't hear anything over the immense humiliation swallowing you whole. You begin throwing things against the wall. Goddamn, Clint. You grunt. Stupid, Tony Stark. You didn't even realize how intensely you were heaving objects until the concerned whispers of other Avengers came through the crack of your room door.

"She's on her period, isn't she?" You heard Tony whisper.

"No! Clearly, Clint did something to her." Came Natasha's growl.

"Whatever it is or whoever it was, they better end this annoying behavior before--"

"Relax, brother." You hear Thor approach your door, the sound of "heys!" meaning he may have pushed down a few of them as he crouched over. "Clearly Lady (name) is in distress. I may know what is wrong with her."

"Brother," Loki spits back with sarcasm, "you know nothing of women. I will figure it out on my own."

You open the door to find Thor's ear bent near where your keyhole had been, the rest of the Avengers sprawled on the floor trying to see underneath the doorway.

"Ahem." You cough.

They all look up at you confused before scrambling to their feet, rushing towards the kitchen. You feel bad for Bruce as everyone shoves past him, the man too kind for his own good. Of course, Tony is the first to escape, leaving you alone with Thor whose face is half smile half eyes. You lift your eyebrow at him, expecting him to run along with the others, but he instead pushes his way into your room.

"Lady (name), what is the matter?" Thor plops himself onto the edge of your bed, letting Mjolnir fall to the floor with a thud. "The noise you were making seems to reflect those which I've heard Loki make when he is angry."

You roll your eyes, insulted by the comparison. "Thor, please, you have no idea."

"I believe I do." He smiles. "I stumbled upon this in the kitchen cupboard while looking for my Midgardian breakfast treats yesterday. I believe it belongs to you."

Handing you over a crumpled napkin, you unfold it to find a large heart with both yours and Tony's name in the middle. Surrounding the heart is a bunch of miniature hearts and you crumple the napkin again, ripping it into pieces as you recall hiding it in the cupboard when Tony came looking for his favorite mug. You groan, embarrassed that yet another Avenger knew the secrets of your heart, except for the person you had the feelings for.

"Thor, please don't tell him. Promise me." You beg.

"I swear it on my life, (name). But if I may, I do believe you should let the Man of Iron know. I think-"

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