'Bored' Meetings

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"Kiss me." Tony whispered.

"Boring." You whispered back.

"Kiss meeee." He pleaded.


Tony pulled your lips against his. You gasped, causing most of the table to look your way. Fury tapping his foot impatiently.

"Mr. Stark, do not pull your dumb ass antics during my meetings." The eye-patched leader barked.

"Aye, aye captain." Tony saluted.

"Agent (l/n), I expect this from some cocky bastard like Stark, but from you I expect better. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir." You replied, cheeks burning.

"Thor! Put that damn hammer down before you hit someone!" Huffing, Thor set Mjolnir down from where he was swinging her around in his left hand.

"And Mr. Rogers. If I tell you to pick your damn head up off my table again I will put a bullet through it." Fury snapped.

"Huh!?" Steve lifted up his head revealing his glazed over eyes. "Where are the enemies?"

"Calm down there, Superman." Nat smiled. "We are just in a catch-up meeting."

"Still?" He groaned.

"Yeah... A catch-up on rest meeting." Clint snickered, the rest of us avengers joining in.

"You do not look so well, Patriotic One." Thor moved his face into Steve's.

"Can I get you anything, Mr. Rogers?" Agent Coulson offered.

"That won't be necessary." Steve smiled.

"Oh, since you're taking orders, I'm thirsty." Coulson only returned Tony's remark with an unamused expression.

"Stark! Did I not just speak to you?" Fury growled.

"But that's not fair! How come only he gets offered stuff?" Tony pointed out. "At least the rest of us have stayed awake during the meeting."

"Maybe, but you sure as hell didn't listen to a damn thing. Do not- shut that hole in your face right now." The director demanded as Tony's mouth was opening to make another remark.

"I would say 'life isn't fair,' but the cocky one is right. I'm thirsty. How about you?" She placed the tip of her pointer finger on Bruce's chest. "Thirsty?"

The shy man gulped nervously. "Uh, is it just me or is this room getting really hot?" Bruce began tugging at his collar, Nat smirking as he squirmed under her stare.

"The Hulk Man is blushing." Thor grinned, causing poor Banner to turn even more red.

"It is hot." You agreed. "Oh my gosh! Do you know what sounds good right now?"

"A bow and arrow and some targets spread out across a nice green patch of grass with a breeze blowing by." Clint sighed.

We all returned the archer's comment with questioning looks until Tony spoke up. "I could go for yogurt."

"Screw yogurt." Nat protested. "Let's get ice cream."

"Ah! Brilliant idea Lady Natasha!" Thor boomed.

"Why are you always yelling?" The director grunted.

"I'm down." You nodded.

"No you're not." Fury replied.

"Hell yeah!" Clint fist pumped.

"Barton!" The director shouted.

"It's on me." Tony announced.

Steve grinned, rising to his feet. "Avengers assemble."

"Hello!" Fury shouted, hands raised in the air.

None of you heard him as you all scrambled for the door, racing to sit in the front seat with the pilot. Tony ended up getting to the chair first, and, of course, cheating was involved. As the aircraft began to lift off, the director ran through the roof entrance with Agent Coulson right behind him.

"Don't worry!" Tony yelled from the window. "We will send a picture!"

--Extended Ending--

"Cheese!" You all shouted, ice cream cones in hand.

The employee returned Tony's phone and you all scrambled to around to see how it turned out.

"Clint, why are you so scary?" Nat pointed towards the acher's creepy smile.

"Eww, my hair looks terrible." You groaned.

"Steve, you look constipated." Clint burst out laughing.

"How do you not have a brain freeze?" Tony asked Thor, gesturing to where the picture revealed him swallowing six of the twelve scoops of ice cream he ordered.

"I've had stronger in Asgard!" The prince exclaimed.

"Tony, this picture isn't really appropriate." Bruce warned. "You can clearly see you looking at (name)'s cleavage."

"Just send it already!" Clint muttered, upset that his perfect ice cream was knocked to the floor by Mjolnir. He was in line buying a new one.

"Alright. There." Tony lifted his phone, showing he had sent the message to Fury. The director replied in under a second.

"What'd he say?" Nat asked.

Taking Tony's phone you read the message out loud. "He replied: ILY!!!!!" The team burst out laughing.

"Write back, we love you too." Nat smirked. You typed it in, adding an assortment of heart emojis before pressing send.

"He replied: Nvm. I thought that meant I loathe you."

"Not me." Tony smirked.

"He replied again." You said, lifting an eyebrow. "But I didn't even text back."

"Just open it." The playboy insisted.

"It says: No, Stark. I loathe you the most." We all burst out laughing, except for Tony who rolled his eyes. Gosh, you thought. I love my team.

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