Just to Prove a Point

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The churning in your stomach increased as you neared the death-promising gate. Screams echoed from the dark tunnel way, causing you to shutter. Goosebumps evident on your (s/c) skin. Suddenly, you decided, being stuck doing the dishes wasn't so bad.


"Hmm," your (e/c) eyes met with the black lenses of Tony's shades. The look of fear on your face reflecting in the glass.

"We can always leave now." He teased. A devilish smirk forming on his lips.

"I'm not afraid to ride a stupid roller coaster." It was a lie, but you wouldn't admit that.

Ever since you had been little you were terrified of the humongous rides and the way the trains would clack noisily and grind against the seemingly unstable tracks. The dark tunnels were long and at the end of them you knew what was coming. It was like willingly awaiting the fall to your death.

"Next up!"

Your heartbeat quickened as you handed the worker your ticket and climbed into the uncomfortable seat. Tony grinned as he got in beside you, the worker having a double take at the billionaire. Strapping yourself in, you folded your arms against your stomach to ease the bile that was threatening to come out.

"Please keep hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. For your safety we ask that you hold the railing in front of you as the ride descends and as you come towards the loops. If anyone wants to get off now, please raise your hand and a worker will unlock your belt. Thank you."

It took everything you had in you to keep your hand from bolting into the air. The playboy beside you was watching you amusingly, probably hoping that you would do exactly that. Gosh, dating Tony was turning out to be more than you bargained for.

"Babe, did you hear that? All the scaredy-cats are getting off now." You shot him an intense glare, but he continued on with his jokes. "If you're too embarrassed I can ask the nice lady for you."

"I swear to god, Anthony, if you do not shut your-" The ride jolted forward slightly.

"Safe travels and enjoy the ride!"

You sat back abruptly, taking hold of the handlebar. Tony laughed at your sudden reaction, but you didn't notice. You were too busy watching as the car got closer to the dark tunnel.

The car shifted upwards as the light faded away. Heavy breaths escaped your lips and your chest pounded against your chest. You were glad that Tony couldn't see you at this moment. At the end of the rising tunnel, a speckle of light appeared. It should've made you feel better, but you suddenly feared the brightness more than the dark that now surrounded you.

"How you hanging, sweet cheeks?"

"I- I'm good." You thought you heard him snicker, but chose not to linger on it as the light at the end of the tunnel became brighter.

The clacking of the wheels slowed to a halt just before you entered the light. Your breathing stopped as you looked around frantically. Why had the cart stopped? You weren't stuck were you? As to answer your question, the cart dipped forward, your jaw dropping open at the fall just below you.

"Tony!" You squeezed your eyes shut, roughly clawing into said man's arm with your shaking hands.

The car now fell at such a fast speed that the air was knocked from your lungs. Tony secured his arm around you as the car spun through two different loops and was now spinning sideways. Your stomach was was not feeling well. A headache forming out of the dizzy sensation.

"(Name), the rides over." Tony cocked an eyebrow at you when you lifted your head from his shoulder. He helped you out of the ride and led you to a resting area to grab a breath. "I'm proud of you, babe."

A weak smiled formed on your lips. Then your eyes shot open and you hunched over, puke covering Tony's shoes.

The two of you had showered and were now resting on the couch in the living room. Thor had made fun of your weak stomach, Clint complimented your guts, and Tasha praised your aim. (She was referring to the decision to puke on your own boyfriend.) And the dishes were washed and put away.


"What's the matter babe? You're not gonna puke on my again are you?"

"Shut up." You groaned. "I was scared to go on the ride to be honest."

He scoffed. "Yeah, it didn't take Sherlock to figure that out." Placing a kiss on your forehead, he leaned you into his chest. "I washed the dishes, paid for tickets to an amusement park we stayed at for less than two hours, and my new shoes were destroyed. All because you wanted to prove a point."

"I'm sorry." Your voice innocent.

"Oh, not yet you're not." Lifting you over his shoulder, he carried you away to your bedroom.

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