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"Have you guys seen Tony?" You entered the living room of the Avengers tower, the whole team spread out  gazing dumbfound at the TV screen. When no one responded to you, you stepped in front of the set. "Hellooo, I said: Has anyone seen Tony?"

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY, BAFOON!" Loki's eyes bore into yours.

"(Name), you might want to take a look..." Steve gestured towards the screen behind you.

You turned around, eyes locking on to your ex-boyfriend. Tony was standing in his Iron Man suit in the middle of Times Square. A crowd of cheering fans surrounded him, their shouts sounding a lot like, "Take it off!" And, "We want fireworks!" You could see Tony raising his hands over his head until- BANG! BANG!- lasers that he probably installed just for this moment blasted from his suit's hands. Heat rose to your cheeks as Tony reached his arm out to help a blonde with barely any clothes on and a brunette wearing a skimpy black dress onto the platform with him.

"Let's get this show started, shall we?" Tony smirks at the blonde, then he proceeds to wrap an arm around the two girls' waists.

You shut off the TV, unsure of how to process the anger and pain that filled your innards. You knew you shouldn't be mad, you two were on a break anyways. He could see whoever he wanted. Getting back together was never guaranteed. Steve walks up behind you and you halt him before he even dares to ask if you are okay. Instead, you turn around and smile at him, letting him know that you are completely fine you are just pissed because he took the lab keys and now you can't get in.

"Are you sure?" Steve's face is so innocent that you feel like you could confess to him how much it truly hurts you to see Tony out partying and wrapping his large, callous hands around other women's waists, but you don't. Your pride is too immense, so instead you say you're sure and head back towards your room.

When you're safely in your room again you begin to tear up, flopping onto your bed. You missed Tony. And you wanted him back. You had assumed all of his schemes to get you to take him back were meaningful and that he must really love you if he was still trying after a month of being separated. But now you've realized that you had probably pushed Tony past his limits with your declines to his invitations and profuse apologies. In a moment, your simple tears became a waterfall soaking into your pillow.

It isn't until about 3am when the sound of the elevator wakes you. You hadn't even realized you fell asleep. You listen for who you already know is Tony stumbling drunkenly home, but your baggy eyes widen when you hear the sound of Tony hushing drunken giggles. A female's drunken giggles. Standing up, you crack your door open a teeny bit, just enough to look down the hallway to two dark figures searching for the lighting switch. Jarvis saves the two from their idiotic attempts by turning the kitchen light on for them, and there in the lighting you see the face of the brunette chick that Tony had his arm glued to on the screen. You let out a small, "ha" which is thankfully unheard by the two drunks.

"Your house is so gorgeous, Mr. Stark." The brunette leans in close to Tony's face.

"Mmm, so are you." Tony begins to lower his face to the woman's, but you shut your door before you can see them kiss each other.

Lying back down again, you start weeping. Your body trembles, your chest rising and falling, making it virtually impossible to even hear anything else around you. You curse Tony and swear to yourself that you'll never take him back-- ever. You hate him, you hate his guts, you hate this stupid apartment and the fact that he lives in it.

"Jarvis, are you there?" You sat up in your bed, turning on the night stand light.

"Yes, ma'am. I apologize for Mr. Stark's behavior. I--"

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