17- Break Out

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Riddler POV

It was quickly decided that John would drive because apparently I drive like a maniac, however I strongly disagree with this. Once we began to set off, I started distributing some weapons and disguises that I had collected whilst they were on their way over.

“Disguises? Really?” said John, looking disapprovingly at the salmon skinny jeans I had picked out for him.

“Yes really. Even the idiotic guards at Arkham would be able to recognise some of Gotham’s most famous criminals.”

“But pink jeans?” Jonathan whined.

“Firstly they’re salmon, second this is the last thing they would suspect the Master of Fear to be wearing!” I remarked cleverly. This was, of course, a complete lie. I just wanted something I could blackmail Johnny-boy with later.

“Tell me again why I have to wear this?” grumbled Harvey, shoving on his enormous hoodie.

“Because it was the only thing I could find to cover up your ugly face,” I smirked, pulling on the jumper I had packed for myself.

“Why Nigma you-“

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself,” I hastily added, before he strangled me. After a horribly long journey we had arrived at Arkham Asylum and were equipped with all of our signature weapons and disguises.

Harvey wore the enormous black hoodie with some grey jogging bottoms and trainers. He carried a gun in each pocket and his stupid coin in his jeans. I opted for the more stylish approach. I was wearing a navy-blue jumper, black jeans and a blond wig. I carried no weapon but my amazing intellect, as that was all I would need (and also because I couldn’t fit my cane in my pocket). Jonathan wore his ‘salmon’ jeans with a turquoise shirt, a rainbow scarf, a black wig and a fedora. (And of course about 20 canisters of fear toxin) He looked incredibly annoyed but this only added to my amusement.

“We look stupid,” remarked Harvey, with a frown on his face… I mean faces.

“Speak for yourself! I, for one, look simply dashing,” I smirked, straightening out my jumper, “Okay gentlemen, let’s save Laura!”

With this we began to walk towards the massive gates of Arkham Asylum. It was amazing how easy it was to get through security, all we had to do was say we were interning there and they pretty much showed us the way. As soon as the three of us were alone, our plan began to come into action.

“Well this is where I leave you. Are you all sure of the plan?” They assured me with a swift nod, before they turned around and carried on walking. Whilst John strided ahead I quickly grabbed Harvey’s arm.

“Oh and Two-Face, I hope you know that if you betray me I will kill you,” I reminded him sternly, to which he replied with a chuckle.

“Oh yeah, and how would you do that?”

“We’ve had this fight before Harvey, and we both know who the winner was…”

“Ah yes but this time is different, this time you have a weakness,” he remarked, looking pretty smug.

“Oh yes? And what is that?” I asked, getting highly irritated.

“Someone you love,” he said in barely a whisper before turning around and following after John. I froze still for a moment, if that ape lay a hand on my Laura I would…

However I knew this was not the time for making petty threats. I had to save Laura, and put my trust in John to protect her at all costs.

I spun around quickly and sprinted down the hallway to my right, before entering the second door on my left. According to my research, this was the Main Security Room. Once inside I was greeted with a wall full of screens. I had to admit that the security would certainly be hard to break into, but I had to do it… For Laura.

I cracked my knuckles and began to get to work.


Laura POV

“Hey honey, you okay?” smiled Selena, sitting beside me whilst Harley and Pam played some board game across the room. We’d had free time for almost an hour and I had mostly spent it reading. I found that the more fiction I read the less my mind wandered to my current situation.

“I just… I just miss him,” I admitted.

“Look, Laura, I know it’s tough but it gets better I promise. You’ll get out soon anyway, there’s no way Edward would let a girl like you get away,” she smiled.

“Thanks Sel,” I said, giving her a small hug.

“Alright freaks! Back to your cells!” yelled one of the many security men.

“Simply charming,” I muttered as we were ushered back to our horrible cells. As soon as the door was locked behind me I fell onto my extremely uncomfortable bed.

I felt a tear run down my cheek as I concealed my face in my pillow. I was beginning to lose hope after only a day in Arkham, what would I be like after I had served out my full sentence? No, I would be out before then. Even if Eddie couldn’t get me out, there was talk of a mass breakout in the next few days. Just how credible these rumours were was another matter.

My day had consisted of the therapy session with the stupid Dr Harper, an almost inedible lunch (seriously, how did they dare to call that stuff food?) and of course my hour of free time.

I felt tiredness sweep over me. My eyes slowly began to shut when suddenly the lights go out. What? It was only about noon… There was no way that it was time to-

“Hello ladies! It is I, the Riddler!” a familiar voice blared out from the speaker.

“EDDIE!” I almost screamed, jumping up from my bed instantly.

“And all because there’s certain special lady in there with you, I have granted you freedom from the Asylum. You’re welcome,” he states, before the doors suddenly jolt open. A smile engulfs my face and I rush out of my cell at once along with all the other female inmates.

“WOO HOO! GO EDWARD!” squealed Harley, as she began to sprint towards the nearest exit. I turned to follow her but was stopped by a firm hand.

“Two-Face?” I said in confusion, looking up at the horrible disfigured criminal.

“Don’t worry, I’m working with your Prince of Puzzles,” he laughed, “Now come on, we need to go.”

Although for some reason I didn’t completely trust Harvey, I did decide to do as he says for the time being and I let him usher me down the hallway. I had become all too familiar with the layout of Arkham and quickly realised that we weren’t heading towards the exit.

“Erm… Mr Two-Face? You do realise this isn’t the way to the exit, right?” I said to which he just laughed.

“Oh, I know,” he stated. I was about to question him further when he slammed me into the wall.

“Heads you get a quick gunshot to the head, tails I shoot you and let you slowly bleed to death,” the eviller side of Harvey growled, taking out his infamous coin. I could hear my heart beating thumping rapidly as he flipped it into the air and caught it in his hand. He looked down at the result and smirked.

“Heads. Looks like it’s your lucky day,” he said, taking out his gun and aiming at my head. I was frozen with fear and took long and deep breaths. His finger slowly pressed against the trigger and I closed my eyes tight shut and allowed a few tears to drop out.

I suddenly heard a thud. I was still alive, but… I opened my eyes slowly to see Harvey unconscious on the ground with a very smug Eddie standing above him waving a small pistol.

“Isn’t is just fantastic what you find just lying around?” he smiled. I wiped the tears from my face and ran towards him. I engulfed him in a large hug and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

“I- I thought that he was going to-“ I sniffled into his chest. He comforted me and then tilted my chin up towards him.

“As long as I’m around, no one will ever hurt you. I promise.”

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