Silence in the Storm

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"This is the most uncomfortable week ever." Seokjin says, a mortified expression painting his beautiful features.

Namjoon sighed as he kept shoveling laundry and Hobi's dirty clothes and towels into the washing machine. His husband isn't completely wrong. Since it was the "Week of the Heat" (Name courtesy of Seokjin) for their precious Hobi, they have been dealing with the most awkward moments a parent could deal with. They both even took vacation days just so they could keep an eye on Hobi and make sure he doesn't pass out from dehydration or malnutrition. However, it mostly consisted of the couple being locked up in their shared bedroom, with a irritated Kookie and a overly anxious Jimin. Both animals were frustrated that neither of them could breed the cat hybrid and stop his heat.

While the calico would pace back and forth, Kookie sat there, completely dormant. Namjoon almost thought Kookie died.

While being locked upstairs in their room to avoid their child's moans, Namjoon and Seokjin distracted themselves by talking about Seokjin's witchness. Apparently, Seokjin has been a witch ever since he was born and had even gone to a specialized academy. Every witch had a special power, much like how every human has a different talent, Seokjin's was potions involving herbs and plants. It made perfect sense, one of Seokjin's favorite things to do is gardening, he would spend most of the summer and winter outside tending to his precious plants. It also explains how Namjoon couldn't recognize even a third of the plants his husband grew, even with a plant guidebook.

Among his many, many friends, only two other people were witches, someone named Min Yoongi and someone named Kim Taehyung. Yoongi was a witch that specialized in controlling plants and herbology while Taehyung was more into fortune telling and animal care. Naturally, after hearing the part about animal care, Namjoon instantly made Seokjin call him and get him to come over to help take care of Hobi.

Even though Hobi wasn't entirely animal anymore, his husband complied and called him immediately. Seokjin said that Taehyung would be arriving today, and that he would bring Yoongi with him as a assistant and Namjoon was completely okay with that.

Ding Dong!

Jimin's ears perked up and Kookie's body seemed to have straightened up. Seokjin quickly rose up and rushed to the door. Luckily, Hobi's noises seemed to have stopped for the time being and so, it wasn't that awkward for Seokjin and Namjoon to greet Taehyung and Yoongi. "Yo." Yoongi greeted, hands forming a peace sign.

"Jinnie! Long time no see!" Taehyung screamed, surprising Namjoon.

"It's been five days." Seokjin said with a monotone voice.

"Yeah, well it might as well been two weeks for me."

"That isn't that long either. I swear to god you're such a clingy little shit." Seokjin laughed as he ruffled Taehyung's hair. Yoongi, however, looked less than impressed.

"I'm absolutely ecstatic to see you, Seokjin. Oh, how god had answered my prayers to see your beautiful face again. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, so can we please get to the matter at hand so I can go back home?" Yoongi cut through both boys, making his way down their hallway.

Yoongi stopped and sniffed the air, cringing as he did so. The air smelled sickeningly sweet and felt humid, he noted. Almost like half the air inside the house was comprised of honey or corn syrup. Taehyung and the Kim couple were quick to follow Yoongi. Taehyung scrunched his nose up in confusion.

"What is this?" He mutters. "It smells like a candy store in here. Is this like another one of your failed concoctions, Jin?... Wait, if that's the case, WHY DID YOU CALL ME OVER?! I thought you said it was an animal issue! You liar!"

"It is an animal issue." Namjoon cut in, pointing towards their living room. "And he's right over there."

"Who?" Yoongi asked.

All four of them walked over to the living room, only to see the most sinful and debauched image ever. It was their precious little Hobi, lying face down against their rug, with his butt in the air. Many toys were strewn around him, all of them covered in Hobi's own thick, shiny juices. Slick glistened on his thighs and were dripping from his pussy onto the towel that was laid underneath him. His eyelids were half-lidded and completely covered in lust and his tongue was stuck out, dripping with saliva. His ears were twitching rapidly while his tailed swayed to and fro seductively.

Yoongi and Taehyung stood there, shocked, and struggled to not become aroused at the sight before them. The duo quickly ran back to the hallway and covered their eyes. The Namjin couple followed them and just blushed and turned away.

"What the hell was that?" Taehyung, who was lightly panting, whispered to Seokjin. Yoongi was slumped against the wall, clutching his chest, face red.

"A hybrid, a cat one, actually." Seokjin whispered back.

"The fuck? Those actually exist? I thought people made those up for fetishes and cosplay."

"Probably," Yoongi replied, "but whatever, it exists so now we gotta deal with it." Yoongi's face suddenly lit up with realization, before clapping his hands."Mating season. It's mating season, right? Your cat's going through mating season! Oh god, I knew paying attention in Biology would help me someday." He said.

Taehyung scrunched up his face and made a "meh" symbol with his hand. "It seems like more of a heating period rather than mating season, seeing how strong it is. Also who said you could comment? Who's the animal expert here? Me. M-E. Me. Stay in your own fucking lane, you peasant."

"You wanna fucking go? Right now?" Yoongi growled. "I will beat your ass to next month. You think you can beat me? Please, You basically have the muscle mass of a J-Pop singer, you giant pixie."


"Try to keep your maturity and sanity in tact, you children." Seokjin mutters, face palming. Namjoon just stood to the side and quietly chuckled at their stupid, little argument.

This is gonna take a while.

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