chapter 6

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Y/N feels buoyant as she gathers her supplies and tucks them away.

She had gotten through the session mostly by trying to distance herself from Camila, trying to see her as a subject rather than as the person who makes her heart soar; or, even more distractingly, the person she wants to pin against one of these overly fancy walls and bury herself inside. For a while, that had even worked. She had found a rhythm, a way to look at Camila and commit her form to paper without stoking the fire of her libido.

But then Camila had started to shift, to worry her lips with her teeth, to subtly move her hips in a way that made Y/N acutely aware of exactly who was in front of her. She had tried valiantly to get back to that relaxed place, asking Camila to stop moving so that she could concentrate instead of thinking about kneeling between those flexing thighs until Camila screamed herself hoarse, but it had only made things worse. Camila had teased her with that low, sultry voice, had moved her legs slightly apart until Y/N could almost see - god. Just thinking about it now had Y/N's pulse thrumming again.

She had thankfully almost been finished by then, but actually completing the drawing after that had been a serious exercise in willpower. She could suddenly feel the pulsing between her own thighs, and it was maddening. This level of distraction while drawing had never happened before. But, Y/N admits, most things that she feels with Camila have never happened before. Camila is unique.

As she completes the thought, Y/n glances across the room to where Camila stands, still in her sheer robe, scribbling on a piece of paper. She finishes the note, picking it up and waving it a few times to dry the ink. She looks pleased.

As Y/n approaches her, her face breaks into a smile - a real one, Y/n's favourite expression, where Camila's teeth show and her face scrunches up adorably - and Y/N's heart stutters. She'll never be tired of seeing that smile. Camila hands her the note and the drawing, as well as the box containing the diamond.

"Will you put this back in the safe for me?"

Y/N nods, and looks down at the note as she approaches the green monstrosity.

Darling, now you can keep us both locked up in your safe.

Y/N grins. Well played, Camila.

She tucks the drawing and note inside where they'll be visible, and slides the box back into its place.

Hearing rustling in the other room, Y/N heads back. As she nears the doorway, her eyes are drawn to movement near the fireplace, where she sees Camila, with a loose white gossamer dress halfway up her hips and -

"Ow - !" Y/N, distracted by Camila's lack of clothing again, walks right into the doorframe. She rubs her forehead as Camila laughs at her, dress still resting at her hips and leaving her chest exposed.

"Surely you can't be shy now? Just 5 minutes ago you were looking at much more than this."

Y/N huffs, crossing her arms. "That was different."

Camila pulls the dress the rest of the way up, adjusting herself and reaching behind to tie it. She struggles for a moment, before looking at Y/N in frustration.

"Y/N, could you -?"

Y/N hurries over, gently tying the knot behind Camila's neck. She wants to kiss the exposed skin there - and, she realizes suddenly, she can. She can just kiss her. That's allowed now.

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