It was about eleven years ago, the day it happened; Friday, June 23rd, 2006. That was always a dreaded day for her. It reminded her of two main things; number one, of that boy, and number two, of the brain damage she had sustained. Andrew Miller was killed in a car crash, his death was the result of a hit-and-run that Tris was apart of.

Where Tris lived growing up, there was a cliff that was about fifteen feet in height from the road below. Andrew Miller was playing around that cliff around eight o'clock at night; there was a basketball net there. When Tris was just getting in from finally getting her new car, she wasn't paying attention to the road; she was texting on her flip phone. She accidentally hit the boy, who fell from the cliff fifteen feet to his death. Her car went over the cliff with it, landing on its roof, allowing her to fall from the driver's seat and crack her head open. Glass pieces got into the wound, damaging her brain as she moved her head around. She wasn't unconscious. But the first thought that went through her mind was that she had hit the kid and probably killed him.

The second was her wondering what the smoky smell was and where it was coming from. When she turned her head to see fire in the backseat, she began to panic. She tried her best to get out of the car, hitting her head a couple of times as she crawled out of the car quickly. Not five feet from the car was the bloodied and broken body of Andrew Miller. It was her first time ever seeing a dead body. As a seventeen-year-old, she had no idea what to do. All she knew was that this was going to send her prison for life, ruining her life forever. And that car was going to explode in less than a minute. So she fled the scene. Not a few seconds after she left, the car she had just bought exploded, parts going everywhere, and the license plate burned. It was now beyond recognition.

She ran on the sides of the roads down the cliff onto the beach about three hundred feet below her house, and the accident. It was a lake she was next to, not an ocean, but it was one that everyone swam at. She just needed to think about what had just happened. Tris had just killed a little boy.

Tris thought about how this would affect her life. She would go to prison, and there was no way in hell Harvard Medical school would accept her if she had a criminal record. Her life would be ruined. So she made a decision that she knew she was going to regret for the rest of her life. She jumped in the lake to get the soot off of her body and decided to run from her problems, pretending that she never even committed that crime.

That's when she noticed that the back of her head was split; blood was trailing behind her in the water. She needed to get to a hospital. She didn't even feel it, meaning her body was in shock.

Down the abandoned bike trail near the beach, there was a payphone. Trees and roots covered the area, the water was right next to the trees. So she ran there. She pulled a quarter out of her pocket and dialled 9-1-1. She was panicked.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" A woman answered.

"H-hello, I need an ambulance. I was walking on the trail at the beach when I tripped over a root fell down into the water. I must've split my head open when I fell, I don't feel it. Also, when I got out of the water, I noticed something burning at the top of the cliff and then I heard an explosion-like noise. I don't know what happened there, but I think it's worth the check. Someone might've gotten hurt,"

"Thank you for telling us, miss. We'll be at the beach in ten minutes tops," the woman replied. She hung up the phone quickly. The seven minutes that Tris waited for the firemen, police and paramedics were the longest seven minutes of her life.

There were two paramedic vans, three police cars and a firetruck causing all the commotion. One of the paramedic vans tended to her at the beach, all the other automobiles drove up to the cliff where the explosion happened. They found the little boy, dead, burnt beyond recognition. The car was completely torched and blown apart. The firetrucks had to put out the remaining fires, while the cops checked the place out. Andrew Miller was declared dead on the scene. The police declared that the car accident was the result of a hit and run, and they were looking for suspects. They had found none so far.

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