A Declaration of War

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(Y/N)'s POV

Yang: "I'm just saying that there is a thing called a hotel. You might wanna use it next time." Blake had her face against my chest embarrassed.

(Y/N): "There is also a thing called privacy." I retorted.

Weiss: "Yes, but we all live in the same dorm so it's kinda hard to keep things private for long." She said.

Blake: "I just wanna die." Her voice was muffled. I patted her head.

(Y/N): "It's alright Blake. This whole thing stays between you, me, Yang, and Weiss." I told her.

Ruby: "Why won't you guys tell me what happened?!?" She was puffing her cheeks out in anger.

Yang: "You'll learn about it when you're older sis." She told her.

(Y/N): "Much older." I added. "With that out of the way, I believe we sh-" Alarms began to blare all around the school. We all grabbed our weapons and ran out of our dorm and to the school auditorium.

Blake: "What the heck is going on?!?" She asked Miss Goodwitch.

Glynda: "We have a school emergency that needs to be addressed." She responded while Professor Ozpin walked onto the stage.

Ozpin: "Please settle down students. I know this is all a shock and tensions are high, but we need order." Everyone soon calmed down and payed attention. "I'll let this video explain." A video began to play on the giant screen behind Ozpin. The White Fang logo appeared, but was soon replaced by Adam Taurus.

Adam: "Greetings students of Beacon Academy. My name is Adam Taurus, the new leader of The White Fang. You may be asking why you are seeing this video right now. The answer is rather simple. In your school resides two things I desire. My beloved and a target. Blake Belladonna and (Y/N) (L/N). I will storm your school and acquire them for myself. There will be bloodshed and death that follow our march. If you wish to avoid this war then you must hand over both students. If my demands are not met then we will storm Beacon in a months time. This is your only warning." The video cut off and talking was heard thoughtout the crowd.

Ozpin: "This organization has decided to declare war against our school, because he wishes to acquire two specific students. Not only will we defend them, but we will also defend this school. You will not be faulted if you wish to leave, but if you do stay then you will fight for everything we stand for. Everything that you stand for. Beacon will prevail and so will its students." Everyone stood from their seats and cheered with applause.

(Y/N): "Didn't take Oz for a motivational speaker." I said aloud. I looked to Blake to see her just staring off into the distance. She turned around and ran out of the doors. "Blake!!"

I chased after Blake while we ran through the school. She stopped in the courtyard and fell to her knees.

Blake: "I don't want this!!" I knelt down next to her and saw tears falling down her face.

(Y/N): "Look at me Blake." I lifted her face and she looked into my eyes. "I'm right here. It'll be okay."

She latched onto me and began to cry into my chest. Footsteps stopped a few feet away from us. I looked to see the rest of our team.

Blake: "I don't want to lose you!! I don't want to lose Beacon!! I don't want to lose everything I hold dear!!!" I held her close to me.

(Y/N): "You won't lose anything Blake, you won't lose Beacon, and you most certainly won't lose me. I made a promise to you Blake." She looked up at me with her amber eyes. "And I am never going to break that promise."

Weiss: "Not to mention you'll have us." Blake looked behind her to see the rest of the team.

Ruby: "We're a team after all." Blake smiled at this.

Yang: "Which means we face everything together." Blake dried her tears and we stood.

Blake: "You guys are right and even though I'm scared we can make it through this." We all nodded.

(Y/N): "We will and until the time comes we will train and we will be ready for him." I told her.

It's time for it all to end. It's time to shed this shadow once and for all.

Thank you all for reading. Things are coming to a close. Will Beacon prevail or will Adam succeed? Hope you guys enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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