Quality Time

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(Y/N)'s POV

The sun shines into the room burning the darkness away. My eyes slowly opened as I groaned. I tried to sit up, but found I couldn't. Something moved under the covers as I pulled them up to see a certain someone curled into my side.

(Y/N): "It's time to wake up Blake." I said while slightly shaking her. She groaned as she wrapped her arms around my body.

Blake: "Five more minutes." She groaned as I chuckled silently. I settled my body back into the bed as I placed a hand atop her head. I played with her hair as I hummed happily. She was a sleepy cat after all. After 20 minutes of this she finally moved up to my face and planted a kiss on my lips.

(Y/N): "Good morning beautiful." I said as she smiled at the comment.

Blake: "Good morning handsome." She said getting up from the bed. She grabbed a set of clothes and walked to the bathroom. While she got changed I decided to do the same. I looked around the room to see it completely empty. I look in the drawn next to my bed and found it stocked with clothes.

(Y/N): "You're to nice to me sometimes Oz." I said as I grabbed a (F/C) t-shirt and some black cargo shorts. I quickly changed into my new set of clothes just as Blake came out of the bathroom.

Blake: "So you ready to head out?" She questioned as I nodded. We exited the dorm and began our long walk to Vale. Blake grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers while resting her head on my shoulders.

(Y/N): "Still find it kinda weird how this all happened, but I'm glad." I said to her as we exited the school grounds and walked towards Vale.

Blake: "Did you every suspect how I felt about you?" She asked me.

(Y/N): "A little bit, but the real questione is how you knew if I like you?" I asked her as she giggled a bit.

Blake: "Let's see: you open up to a girl about your dark past, you talk to said girl for two months while getting to know her, and you sneak glances at me when you got the chance." She said which slightly shocked me. "Oh yeah I knew about the glances." She stated while I laughed a bit.

(Y/N): "Guess I'm getting sloppy at being sneaky." I said as we finally arrived at the Vale book store. I opened the door for her. When we entered we were greeted by a soothing, but silent atmosphere.

Owner: "Hello." He said to us as we walked up to the counter. "Ah Miss Belladonna it's good to see you again." He smiled.

Blake: "It's good to see you again as well Tukson." She said to him. "Did my order come in yet?"

Tukson: "As a matter of fact it came in today." Let me go get it for you." He said walking to the back. Within a few minutes her returned with a package. He opened it and pulled out a small book that was wrapped. "That will be 30 lien Miss Belladonna."

(Y/N): "I've got it Blake." I said handing him 50 lien. "You can keep the change Mister Tukson." He smiled at me as Blake grabbed her book.

Tukson: "Please do come again Miss Belladonna." He stated as we began to walk out. "And bring your boyfriend again as well."

We exited the store and began our walk towards the park. I turned to Blake to see her with a small blush.

(Y/N): "You okay Blake?" I asked her.

Blake: "I'm fine it's just a little embarrassing." She said as I chuckled.

(Y/N): "Are you sure you've had a boyfriend before?" I teased her as she smacked my shoulder slightly with a smile.

Blake: "I have, but you're the best one." She said as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. We continued our walk in silence until we found ourselves sitting on a park bench near the pond.

The breeze washed over us as Blake began to read her new book. I looked at it and the title read "The Man With Two Souls".

(Y/N): "That must be an interesting book." I stated as she placed a marker and closed it.

Blake: "Do you wann know what it's about?" She asked me as I shrugged my shoulders. "It's about a man who is inhabitated by two souls. One souls is his while the other is the soul of a man trying to take control of his body. I've only read a few chapters so far, but it's very interesting." She stated.

(Y/N): "A man with two souls huh?" I questioned myself. I stared over the lake thinking to myself. Do I even have a soul after what I've done in life?

Blake: "You okay?" She asked me as I snapped out of my trance.

(Y/N): "Yeah, just thinking is all." I said.

Blake: "About what?" She persisted. I just sighed as I knew she wouldn't stop till she got her answer.

(Y/N): "After all that I've done in my life. All the lives I've taken. Killing my sister in cold blood. Do I even have a soul anymore or am I just an empty husk?" I said as I felt a hand slip into mine. Blake squeezed my hand as I smiled slightly.

Blake: "Our past doesn't define who we are. We are defined by who we are now in the present. Our past may be stained in blood, but that doesn't mean we can't be diffrent from what we once were." She placed her free hand against my face and captured my lips with hers. When ours lips connect it feels like the world stops. In that moment I felt like something. Not a killing machine or a thing of destruction.

I felt human.

She pulled away from the kiss as I smiled at her.

(Y/N): "I don't know what I would be if I didn't find you Blake. I'm glad I met you and your stubbornness." I said as she chuckled with a smile.

Blake: "Come on. Let's head back before it gets to late." She said as we both stood and made our way back to Beacon. Talking insued as our feet quickly carried us back. Within moments we found ourselves in front of our dorm. I opened it to see the rest of the team on their respect beds. Ruby looked up and cheered.

Ruby: "Yay Blake and (Y/N) are back!!!" She stated before read her comics again.

Yang: "So you two love birds enjoy your time together?" She questioned as Blake and I sat on my bed. She sat on my lap and began reading her book as I wrapped my arms around her.

Blake: "It was a wonderful day." She said as I tried to keep up with her reading speed. This continued for another half hour before everyone decided to call it a night. I grabbed my pjs and walked to the restroom while the girls changed in the main room.

I slipped my shirt off of my body and looked at myself in the mirror. Scars littered my chest as my memory recounted each one of them. From the tiniest scar I had to the more sizable ones. These were records of my failures. The times I failed in my missions and the times I failed in life. Some were earned from battle while others were .... self-inflicted. I didn't want to remember them for too long so I finished getting changed.

Weiss: "We're decent ya dolt so you can come out." She coldly said as I exited the restroom. Everyone was in their respected beds except for a specific girl. Blake laid in my bed waiting for me. I laid right next to her as she snuggled into my chest.

Blake: "Hey (Y/N)?" She questioned me silently.

(Y/N): "Yeah Blake?" I asked silently.

Blake: "I know we've been dating for almost two weeks, but could you do something for me. I'm a stickler for the old times so could you ask me to be your girlfriend." She said nervously as I silently chuckled.

(Y/N): "Will you please be my girlfriend Blake Belladonna?" I said as she smiled at me.

Blake: "Only if you agree to me my boyfriend (Y/N) (L/N)." She responded.

(Y/N): "Forever and always." I said as we shared one final kiss before falling into the land of slumber together.

Thank you all for reading this chapter. In this chapter I wanted to give it a little bit of a loving or romantic feel to kinda show the other side of (Y/N) that you don't regularly see. Anyways thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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