The Shadow Returns

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Third Person POV

The cracked moon stood still against the cold night. Not a single sound could be heard. Shadows crept through the forest until materializing in the middle of a field. A man formed form the shadows.

(Y/N): "This seems like a good place." He said aloud. His hand stretched forward and a dark smog fell from his palm. It enveloped the ground until a dark puddle formed in front of him. Small creatures began to crawl out of the puddle and stand in front of him. They were a multitude of creatures.

Swarm: "Master." They chanted in unison. The shadowy creatures bowed their heads in respect.

(Y/N): "Find the base and when you do I want them dead. Do not harm the ones I care for. Everyone else can be torn limb from limb." He commanded.

The swarm of creatures disbanded quickly and began their search. His body once again disappeared into dark smoke and rushed towards the forest in search of the base. With the help of his servants, it was only a matter of time until the base was found.


Blake: "AHHH!!!" She yelled in pain as the rod struck her leg.

Grunt: "Shut the fuck up!!" He barked.

Archibald: "Think of this as payback miss. (Y/N) took my son, so it seems fitting that I torture you as compensation." He said.

Blake: "Fuck yo-AHHHHH!!!" She yelled as another blow hit her leg. Tears feel down her cheeks as more pain engulfed her body.

Archibald: "It will take him a long time to find this base so you might as well get comfortable." He smiled at her anguish.

Swarm Wolf: "WOOOOOOOO!!!!!" It howled.

Grunt: "The fuck was that?" He asked. Archibald swallowed his own spit as sweat fell from his face.

Archibald: "The Shadow." He said before walking out of the room. The grunt look at the girl nervously as she smiled.

Blake: "Guess you're all fucked now." She said.


Swarm Wolf: "WOOOOOOOO!!!!" It shouted from the distance. The shadows quickly converged on the howling wolf and formed next to it. A giant shadow began to swirl in front of them until (Y/N) formed once again.

(Y/N): "Is this the place?" He asked the wolf while look at the mountain side.

Swarm Wolf: "Yes Master." He said. (Y/N) walked up to the wall and placed his hand on it. Darkness left his hand and began to fill any cracks that lined the rocky structure. Within seconds the wall exploded and revealed a giant door. A giant ball of shadows formed in his hand as the swarm stood ready.

(Y/N): "Tear them apart." He said as the ball left his hand and hit the door.


The door exploded and alarms began to blare inside the base. Soldiers grabbed their weapons and march to the entrance. Their guns were drawn as shadows engulfed the front entrance. All sorts of creatures rushed through the shadows and began to attack them. Bullets rang out and flew through the sky. The only thing it did was piss them off even more while the bullet harmlessly flew threw the creatures.

Grunt: "RUUUNNN-" he yelled in fear before a swarm wolf crushed his skull in its jaw. A huddle of miniature swarm nevermore flew into the base and surround some of the soldiers. Their blood filled screams filled the room while their flesh was picked from their bones.

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