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Sakura laid there in her soft pink bed, which was now soaked with rain water mixed with tears. Her heart throbbed and she desperately needed someone to talk to, mostly a best friend. She was shattered. She was deep in thought, thinking about everything that happened that morning.

She looked up at the ceiling, ignoring everything around her including her inner self who was muttering something about Sasuke being with that Sound exchange student. A visible tear rolled down her cheek which she ignored. Her nose and eyes were red due to crying, and she was feeling cold.


The Haruno household phones ringed as the caller from the other line waited.


Still, nobody answered the phone.


Still, the caller was persistent.


Sighing, she sat up and grabbed the phone in her room.

"Hello?" She answered groggily. Feeling her body produce more weight, she slumped back down I her bed.

"Sakura? Why's your voice like that?" It was her mother. They were currently out of the country for a business trip, leaving tha pink haired teen alone in their house minus the servants and the maids.

"No, it's nothing. I just got a cough that's all." She said assuring to her mother.

"Okay, just drink some tablets there okay?" Her mother asked.

"Yes mom."

"Well, I called because I just want to say that, me and your father wouldn't be home until next month. An errand happened in other branches so we need to pay them a visit. I'll just leave your allowance in you bank account, okay?"

"Yes mom."

"Well, it's dawn here and we need to go. Take care sweety. I love you! Bye!" – click!-

Sighing, she placed back down the phone. Going to a lying position, she closed her eyes and let her body and bed absorb the cool rain water that was still clinging in her school uniform. She was about the wander in dreamland when…








Just… stop…


"God! Please kill that insane person in the other line!" Sakura shouted as she pulled to her hair when she sat. She counted to three to let her temper cool down before answering the annoying phone call.

"Hello?" She asked with her soft voice, her cool making it fake.


"Why'd you call?" Sakura asked a bit harshly.

"Uhm… It's just… I want to check if you're okay. You were soaked with rain right?" Sasuke asked in the other line, a bit concerned.

"So what if I got wet? You don't even care!" Sakura retorted to Sasuke.

"What's wrong with you? You started acting strange after school ended!" Sasuke asked, getting a bit annoyed with her sudden attitude.

Sakura sighed deeply and think up of the right words. Finding none, her mind settled on telling him her true feelings. "Sasuke," She started to calm herself. "I want to tell you something…"

"What is it?" Sasuke asked.
"You know, I really like even before. But you're just dense to notice it!" Sakura shouted through the phone. "I know you know all this because Naruto told you! But still, you didn't even notice on bit of it! Then earlier, how could you ask Kin out for a date in front of me! How could you Sasuke, how could you! Asking a slut out in front of me!" Sakura shouted again as tears began to fall freely down to her cheek.

Sasuke was silent there for a few minutes, reprimanding himself. "Sakura," Sasuke started, gritting his teeth.
"I don't care on what you feel and don't call Kin that! Maybe you are the slut not her!"


That hit her heart! Sakura sobbed and banged the phone back down, not caring about the Uchiha on the other line.

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Sasuke sighed as he waited for his pink haired best friend again the next morning to apologize to her. It was already 7:45 am, fifteen minutes before class starts and there still wasn't any sign of his best friend. He knows Sakura, she wouldn't be late or absent. She received a consistent complete attendance award every year together with deportment and conduct award like him. She wouldn't be absent, especially if they have a pop quiz in History that day!

Sighing, he glanced one last time in her supposed direction, and then started to walk off to school. 'Maybe I really am dense.' He thought as he remembered Sakura's words yesterday. He reached the school gate at exactly 8:00.

"Shit!" He cursed loudly as he sprinted up the stairs towards his classroom. Sliding the door open, he took notice that their always late teacher, Hatake Kakashi was already there. "And where have you been Mr. Uchiha? And where is Ms. Haruno? You two are usually together." Kakashi teased as he let Sasuke in.

Sasuke took notice of Ino, Hinata and Tenten's look of worry as they glanced at each other before looking at him. He also took notice of Kin's disgusted look when Kakashi mentioned Sakura's name.

Oh yeah, Kin. Their date was schedule tomorrow and he was now thinking twice. Feeling guilty about his and Sakura's spat yesterday. He sighed as he sat down beside Kin's table. His nose wrinkled inwardly when Kin latched he arm around his and snuggled into it. 'Wait! Damn! Tomorrow is Sakura's birthday! I forgot! We usually have a best friends' date every time either of us celebrates birthdays. That's why she was hurt.' He thought as classes started for that day.

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