Chapter 64: Who says that a Father's love is lesser?

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Meanwhile, the rest of team two is being signaled by Erevain to join her at the bigger table she has taken.

It is obvious that our dear head maid understands the context of what is happening and the others too. So, they all quickly go there.

Well, all except Gabrielle, who turns my way, bows, and smiles endearingly before joining the others.

The camera might not show it dear viewers, but she had gratitude in her eyes. All the maids do.

It is obvious why, right, dear viewers?

And course, they are trying to act as normal as possible, but they can't resist to glance at us every now and then.

Now...back to our main star since she has pretty much arrived.

"I know. That is why I brought some."

Hm? She just put something on top of the bar

It's a wrapped wooden box...and the smell...

OH! That is the meat she and Luca obtained while we were coming here!

It seems she stored some with the super-efficient storage capabilities of every Nerinne brand outfit!

That means the meat is as fresh as if it had been harvested just minutes ago!

All thanks to our sponsor for today's episode! Nerinne brand, divine quality is but expected! Nerinne brand, your fetish!

"Buy now and you will get a blessed necklace with your order. Fufufu~~."

What are you waiting for?!

Oh, Jules' dad has unwrapped the box and is now opening it!

"This is...! Wait..."

Hm? He seems to have noticed something while inspecting the meat.

Not only that, but his expression has gone from surprised to deadly serious in the span of a second.

"This way of is..."

He is now looking at Jules, who has a smug smile on her face as if saying 'praise me, give me food'.

"...and that appearance...exactly his type. Now that I think about it...over there the queen...! So that's how it is..."

Jules' dad murmurs that to himself, but we can hear him too thanks to this host's OP SENSES.

Privacy? What is that?

And he was not only looking at Jules while murmuring that, nope. He was also looking at the other maids, specially at Erevain.

She has been getting many similar reactions out of many citizens, but those scenes have been left in the cutting room and will be released in the Blu-ray version of this season!

Please look forward to it, dear viewers!

"Hahaha! Very well, Miss. Maid! One Forest and Farm special coming up! And I'll make this one myself! Excuse me young Miss."

Oh! Jules' dad himself is going to be doing the cooking!! Oh my darling! If my steak, which was already glorious, and was given a five-star review in my instakilo account, then this might go past that!!!

"Rona! I'm cooking! Tend the bar in my place!"


"How was the steak, Master?"

So asks Jules while sitting beside me at the bar. All while her father has already left for the kitchen and has been replaced as bartender by a cute and buff waitress who's a dog beast-kin. She is already preparing drinks for some guys who just arrived and is out of earshot.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum