The Meeting:Part 2

Start from the beginning


The first was a man sitting in a chair with a metal ring around his head. Different points of mental skewered into his brain, testing how the vampire brain responded to internal electrocution. I assumed it was a new method they had in place for torturing enemies.


The next they had a young girl sitting in a monstrous looking chair. She was belted down to it, a doctor sitting directly to her left; he began to cut into her skin, screams of pain left her lips. This went on for a few moments until she broke free and began to fight with the doctor.


We were moved along quickly by a large number of guards away from the scene. And the sounds of screams, and crying trailed behind us. It reminded me too much of a young boy I met 58 years ago.


                                         January, 5th, 1956.


I stood in the Edgar Hex’s office, my hair slicked back nicely, I in my best black suit, and white shirt. I was the picture of a desirable man in that time period.


Today was the day I met my new prodigy. This was the point in time I hated. I always had the snotty little brats, with a chip on their shoulder, acting like the world owed them something. They never stayed that way for long..Thankfully.


The black doors opened, Edgar, and a small group of people behind him entered the large office. Edgar and I shook hands, he had the classic scowl on face. “Louis, I have a special treat for you..” Edgar motioned for the nurses to moved the patient further into the room, directly in front of us. The pushed the boy forward, he was shaking like a small dog. Edgar stretched his open palm out, the other arm folded behind his back. “This is patient XG632. The daywalker!” Edgar said with wonder in his voice.


I pointed to the young boy. “This?! This is the day-walker?” I chuckled, and slowly walked around the young boy. He seemed weak. Fragile. It was amusing that this frail child could be anything special. “What’s your name child?”


The boy flickered his gaze to me. “Zayn..” he spoke slowly.


I smiled to the dark haired young boy. “Special name, for a special boy!” I mocked.


“I walk in the daylight, I don’t ride the short bus.” He blurted out, clearly not amused.


In the blink of an eye Edgar backhanded the side of Zayn’s face, the force of the hit made the weak boy fall to the floor with a loud thud. “You never talk to a superior in such a way!” Edgar’s voice boomed.


Zayn pressed his lips in a thin line, just staying on the floor to collect himself. Slightly shifting away out of Edgar’s reach.


I looked to Edgar, now. Surprised to see that from him. “You’ve made him too weak, Edgar...Granted, it’s due to his mouth.” I observed.


Edgar eyed Zayn, a sense of hatred in his cold gaze. “Much of it due to that mouth! ...Yet. He posses something we have much to learn of..” He sighed, and moved his gaze to my hazel eyes. “Be as cruel as you must without killing him. He’s a rebellious one.” Edgar warned.


I nodded in compliance, and moved my gaze to meet that of the dark browns of the daywalker’s. “Get up, you look pathetic... We are going to feed you, and change you out of that horrid hospital gown.” I told him, and held a hand out to help him up.


Zayn eyed me, as if weighing me out. Very cautiously and slowly he took my hand, pulling himself up and then immediately let go, stepping out of my reach as if I might swing on him.


“Boy, follow the nurses. They will prepare you for dinner.” Edgar told Zayn, the nurses already huddling around him.  


Zayn nodded as he did as told, silently.


After everything that happened that night, I don’t regret taking on the challenge that was the daywalker.

Edgar placed his finger on the scanner, the light above the door turning green, the sound of the lock freeing itself, the door opened slightly, and we entered a markless room.


A redhaired lad turned around to us, adjusting his rectangular glasses. “This is Dr.Frankenfurter. He is head of this project.” The man stretched his hand out, as I did mine, shook each other's hand. “Doctor, this is Louis Tomlinson. Head of rehabilitation and training.” Edgar introduced. “Mister Hex, we have almost perfected the purification serum.” Dr.Frankenfurter told Edgar. He had lifted the metal door that hid our view of the test subject. A young blonde boy stood there, he look about the age of 12, a different doctor pushed the needle full of crystal blue liquid into the boys arm, until the vial was empty. The doctor stepped out, and joined us in the safety of the operating desk, and we waited. It wasn’t much longer until Dr.Frankenfurter flipped the lights on. These lights were no ordinary bulbs you could buy at your local grocery, these lights mimic the sun’s exposure. The blonde boy stood there for a few moments, he looked to the booth, and wide smile on his face. “I-I-I’m not burning!!” He laughed joyous, beginning to dance around the room. I stood there mouth agape at this advancement. I never thought the time would come when vampire’s could day-walk. However, this only lasted 8 minutes, and then the sizzling, boiling, and pain began. The Doctor sighed, quickly flipping the lights off, and turned to us. “The properties only temporary. But, a large improvement has been made.” He smiled, feeling quite proud of himself.

Edgar turned to me, having a pleased smirk filling the space on his lips. “Once perfected, Louis, we will have what we’ve wanted all these decades….Light!”


A/N : WOOOOOO!!! HELLO THE FIRST 100!! I about flipped my shizz at work when I saw it past 100 views! I know this may seem like a little thing to you. But to me it's the biggest thing in the world! I want to thank allll of you amazing, beautful, peeps out there who read this and has helped this grow to where it is now! HERE'S TO THE FUTURE 500! 

If you liked the story, please be sure to share it with friends, and on social networking sites. Star the chapaters you like, and all that good crap. 

I am going to go to bed now, because I have done way more then I intened to after work. And I am ready to pass out. LOVES TO ALL OF YOU SEXY PEOPLE!

This week's songs: Hand In Hand By Walking On Cars.  Gold by Sir Sly (You can find it under Media below).  The songs really helped me write this chapter, and set the feel I had in my mind this week. Hope you enjoy. 


Age Of Darkness/Vampire Louis Tomlinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now