The Meeting; Part 1

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I sat down at a table off to the corner of The Marylebone. Relaxing into the wooden seat, looking up as a familiar pair of clear blue eyes caught my attention. Sophia's hips swung from side to side as she moved towards the table.

"Louis..." She glanced to Harry next. "Harry." Her eyes narrowed at the boy. "Funny. Nikki told me she still hasn't heard back from you after you fucked and dumped her last weekend. Any excuses? Or should I punch you now?" Fia frowned.

Harry kept a simple smirk on his lips. "What? A man can't have a one night stand? I mean, she was a great shag. But, I am free man, no strings, no clingy girlfriends." He stated.

Nikki happened to be right behind Harry at that moment. She whipped around to the front of Harry, and slapped him across his face, leaving a slight pinkish/purplish hand print on his cheek. "You are a fucking asshole!"

Zayn had just strode up to our table now, nodding. "Don't we all know it." he says with this little smile, his arm around an unfamiliar girl's shoulders, tugging her closer.

As Nikki stomped off now, Harry's eyes fell onto the blonde in front of Louis and Harry. "Well...Well. Zayn, who is your beautiful friend." He purred.

You could see Zayn grow tense as his head snapped in Harry's direction, brown hues narrowing in on Harry. "No one you will ever care about. So do me a favor and go fuck off somewhere while the adults talk."

"Zayn.... Harry" Louis' tone grew parental, as he looked between the two boys.

"No. He can fuck off, he's not going anywhere near her. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever." Zayn says as his cold gaze was locked on Harry's face, his jaw set. "He's not using her for some little pity party so he can have fun and get off. Fuck that. You're supposed to train him not baby the fucker."

Perrie glanced between Zayn and Harry, brows pulling together. The fear in her eyes showing slightly but the girl tucked herself closer to Zayn, slipping her fingertip through his belt loop. As if he would protect her.

Louis stood up, moving closer to Zayn now. "I am not babying him, Zayn. I just want us to have a peaceful evening, and if both of you are going to act like this, I'll gladly whip both of you into shape. Now, sit your ass down, shut your mouth, and let's have a fucking peaceful family fucking dinner." Louis growled, his jaw clenched tightly. Glancing between both young boys.

"Yes Louis." Harry grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest, sinking into the seat slightly.

Zayn huffed out a breath but nodded as he carefully took Perrie's hands in his, helping her scoot in the booth as he slid in beside her. His arm once again wrapped around her shoulders out of habit.

Louis sat down in the booth, glancing up to Fia, who had stood there quietly the entire time. That was a change. "I'll have a pint of Guinness, love." He said sweetly.

Zayn looked over to the girl, giving her a slight smile that was even half-assed. "I'll have a glass of rum and the lovely Perrie will just have coke. She doesn't drink, so." he glanced over to her with this beaming smile and back over to Sophia, it disappearing.

Harry had a disgusted look on his face as he watched Zayn, it carrying as his head turned to Fia. "Fia, Love, get me the usual."

"Alright, so. I have a pint of Guinness, a glass of rum, a coke for Perrie who doesn't drink, and an apple juice for the baby. Got'cha." She smirked and turned around quickly, her fiery curls flowing around her back, and her hips swinging as a giggle left her lips.

Zayn didn't bother to cover up his chuckles. "I like her, she's fantastic. Can we keep her, Lou?" he snickered as he glanced to Harry with this big grin plastered onto his features. "Baby want a bottle?"

Harry flipped Zayn and I off. I couldn't help but laugh a little harder. "I will gladly keep her." I spoke with a big grin as I glanced to Perrie now. "So, you're the infamous Perrie I've heard so much about?"

Perrie's cheeks turned a rosy red color as she scooted closer to Zayn, looking over to him with these wide eyes. Clearly it surprised the girl. Glancing back to me she nodded shyly. "Yeah, s'pose so... All good things though, right?"

"So many good things, I thought you weren't actually real...Or free." I said, relaxing my arms on the table, watching the pair closely.

Zayn looked over to Perrie as she once again met his gaze, as if it was perfectly synced and planned out. He had a smile curl on his lips as he leaned down and kissed her hair gently. Turning to face me, he still had that boyish grin. "Yeah, this is Perrie. She's free to me, no one else." he said in a much colder tone, eyes flickering in Harry's direction.

I see why he asked about human/vampire relationships. "So, you're her pimp. That's excellent." I teased, trying to keep the mood light. "I kid, I kid." I glanced back to Perrie. "Nice to meet you. I'm Louis, as you may have noted. And this," I pointed to Harry, whose eyes were glued to Perrie, a look of strong concentration on his face. He might blow a gasket if he keeps this up. "Is, my pain in the ass of a brother, Harry."

Perrie nodded. "Ah." she mumbled, looking up to Zayn. "So, that's the curly haired one you talked about?" she whispered to him and you could see Zayn just nod. The girl reached up and ran her fingers through Zayn's hair, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Well, please keep calm then." she purred into his ear.

I could see Zayn just slowly calm down with each finger ran through his strands as he nodded once more. "So...How did you two meet?" Ugh, this useless conversation...What good is this anyway? I sighed deeply as I prepared for all of the gushing, and blushing.

Perrie looked to Louis as she spoke, "Oh, uhm, he is friends with my brother." she shrugged carelessly. "Played video games with him, still does. They get riled up a lot and it gives me a blistering headache because they go and scream profanities at the TV like it's actually going to help their cause." the girl rolled her eyes, looking up to Zayn with a little glare. "And then this asshole walks over to me as I am yelling at them to shut up and scared the piss out of me so I turned around and gave him a punch.." she crinkled her nose. "I don't recommend punching him." she finishes and looked to me.

"Never ends well..." Harry added. "It's like punching a concrete wall."

"That's because you did punch a concrete wall in your last fight with him." I reminded him.

"And, once I did punch him in the face, I had something to compare it to." Harry replied, clearly getting annoyed with my presence.

Perrie nodded. "He's right though. He's like, rock solid. I thought I broke my hand!" the girl shook her blonde locks, huffing. "And then the bastard said I brought this upon myself. I wanted to hit him over the head with the baseball bat, not gonna lie. And then he spends the next week just tormenting me. Popping up in places he wasn't welcome, hiding my things. I was close to getting the baseball bat and whacking him."

"Ever the romantic, Zayn is.." I shook my head at Zayn, laughing as Fia sat our drinks down.

To be continued...


A/N: Hey all, just to let all of you know Kourtney and I will be updating everying Friday. Next week she will be posting the second half of the chapter. And we will continue to alternate weeks. Sorry I took all day to post, been busy studying, and I have family over. I'll try to post earlier next time.

Happy Reading! --Sami

Age Of Darkness/Vampire Louis Tomlinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now