Chapter 14: Too Hearts, Too Sweet

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"I know that this is an autograph only session but can I please take a selfie with you?" she pulled out her phone.

There was a security guard standing behind them earlier that turned down selfies for them. Not only because it was an autograph signing but because if one fan got a selfie they all would want one. He left when the line winded down to the last 10. Lily stood. "Sure."

A guy who appeared to be in his 30s wearing a DX shirt approached. "Shawn Michaels, it's going to be so awesome to see you guys finally going in tomorrow night. I only wish it happened a few years earlier so Chyna could've been there."

"Thank you. I wish the same," Shawn had his head down signing. Lily was wearing a low cut shirt and the guy was practically drooling over her.

"Oh and Shawn, Lily needs a real man instead of Finn Balor. He's a loser indie darling who looks like he belongs on 205 Live," he said and Shawn laughed, sliding the picture over to Lily.

"The only loser here is you," Lily handed the picture to the guy without signing. "Have a nice day."

"That was rude," Shawn replied when the guy left.

"No, rude was you laughing instead of defending him especially when you were smaller framed back in an era where Vince preferred his top guys to be at least 6 feet tall and roided up," she pointed out.

"Me defending him?" he snorted. "I don't think so."

"After all this time if you still don't like him that's fine but at least fake it to outsiders. That guy is going to run straight to Reddit and post that you don't like your own son-in-law and that I'm a bitch because I refused to sign!"

"Son-in-law," Shawn scoffed. "He may have put a childish ring on your finger but until he walks you down the aisle he's no son-in-law of mine."

"Can you stop flip flopping please? One day you're okay with him, the next day you're angry again. Pick an emotion already and stick with t!"

"I was okay because when I looked at the other men backstage I acknowledged that you could've done worse but that was just the main roster. I've been making some rounds since I got here Thursday and have met some nice young gentlemen with bright futures ahead of them from the NXT and NXT UK rosters."

"God, are you serious right now?" Lily's mouth fell open in disbelief.

"Yes! That promise ring is an ominous symbol of what's to come. Why settle for the first guy you meet when you can have your pick? There are so many more compatible options out there," Shawn argued.

"Hmm, I wonder what you called "Divas" back in your day who explored options? Slut, whore, live-in ring rat or all of the above?"

"Slut?" Shawn's brow knitted in confusion. "Who said anything about sleeping around? I'm just saying you shouldn't put your all into a relationship with a 37 year old man. You walk around in a bubble where only he exists. What's going to happen if he gets hurt? At his age it's only going to get harder and harder to bounce back. If it's a career ending injury do you think he's going to want you on the road without him around a roster full of men? What's going to happen if he decides to go join his buddies over at AEW? Do you really want to sleep with the enemy? What's going to happen if he decides to quit because he's ready to settle down and start a family. Your career is just beginning so you definitely can't afford to pop out baby-leprechauns."

"The snide comments about his culture are getting old because I'm sure he can find a couple negative things to say about Americans," she rolled her eyes. "Tuesday when you get back to San Antonio I'm going to tell mom to take you to the doctor because you're clearly going senile and we need to combat it in the early stages. You are the worst father ever!"

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