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Chapter 3

Jade's POV

"How did it go?" Georgia asks as I enter the house and hang up my coat.

I sigh as I go sit down on the couch, "Alright."

"Why are you so mad at them anyways?" She asks sitting down next to me with a bowl of popcorn and Netflix ready to be watched.

I've had to dodge that question for a month now, but now I have a good cover story. "They're making me move to this little shitty town called Ravenmore."

"Are you serious?" She cringes as I nod.

"They have like a population of 300 people, if it is even that many." I say as I steal some of her popcorn, "Not to mention it's really old and there's probably nothing to do there. Plus how am I ever going to get a boyfriend if they force me to move to a dump like that."

Suddenly the back door bangs closed, "Ugh, this wind is such a pain in the ass. I'm going to close the doors in the kitchen. Want anything?" She asks, "I could make us some hot chocolate?"

"Sounds good." I say. She walks off as I hear the kettle starting to boil and I scroll through the numerous movies available on Netflix.

Maybe I've been a little harsh on my parents, but how am I supposed to believe that our family kills fictional creatures as a hobby, or more of an occupation? It's completely bonkers. I do miss them though, and our nights together as a family. I miss having my own room.

As much as I love Georgia and as thankful as I am about the fact that she's allowed me to stay with her, bunking with her for a month has been a pain in the ass. She talks, like a lot, and tends to repeat herself about 10 times in half an hour. We're also home alone a lot seeing as her aunt works the night shift at the hospital. Most teenagers would love being alone every night but after what my family told me, I kind of get the creeps every now and then.

I hear the kettle settle down and wonder why it's so quiet, and why she's taking so long. I select our movie and pause it as I make my way to the kitchen.

As I enter the kitchen I drop the bowl of popcorn.

"W-who are you?" I mumble.

The man grins smugly as he holds Georgia's limp body in his arms.

"Is she d-dead?" I stutter, her platinum blonde hair stained with blood.

"Not yet." He says.

"What do you want?" I ask him trying to sound intimidating. I observe Georgia's body carefully as her head flops down. And the first thing my eye catches are the two bite marks in her neck as the blood leaks from the holes. Is this actually happening right now?"

"They'll find you, you know. I'm a Luther."

He laughs as he drops Georgia to the floor and her head hits the linoleum as I flinch.

"I'm well aware of that my dear, thats why I'm here."

"How did you get in?" I ask.

"Your friend let me in." He says as he lights a cigarette, "She's really desperate for a boyfriend. Hasn't she ever heard of Ted Bundy?"

My phone starts to ring in my hand and I see "Dad" sprawled across the screen. I answer it as quickly as I can but he jumps me causing the phone to fall out of my hand.

"Hello?" Is the last thing I hear as my dad answers the phone.

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