"but, what about you? any new friends, maybe a boyfriend? girlfriend?"

"you know i don't...."

"(full name), you need friends! you need to socialize! you don't want to die alone do you?"

you dropped your purse and keys by the door, plopping down onto the couch in the living room. "mom, that's not the point. i just... i don't want to get attached to someone only to have them die."

your mother groaned. "everyone dies, regardless if you can see how much longer you have with them or not. you know i hate you're doing this. i know you can tell how much longer someone has left to... live, but isolating yourself and thinking that it will protect you is a lonely life. i just want to see you be happy."

"i am happy," you mumbled.

"are you, (name)?" asked your mother.

silence passed over the phone.

she sighed. "i need to make dinner. i love you."

"love you, too." and you hung up.

your mother was your only friend seeing as your father left before you were born, she was the only person you permitted into your room, the only one you shared your thoughts with, the only one you felt understood you and your quirk. but you knew the time left you had with her was short. it was one of the reasons you had moved out. you couldn't remember how much longer she had, but you knew it was less than a month.

you called her every single day.


you stumbled up the stairs, alcohol coursing through your veins. you had gotten a call from your mother's doctor at work; unfortunately, she had passed in the ambulance, and they paramedics weren't able to resuscitate her. you knew it was coming, you knew that she wasn't going to get over her sickness. and yet, it still hurt just as bad.

the winds were wild and chilled as you stepped out onto the roof. the rain continued to come down hard, washing away your tears. it always seemed to rain at times like these.

"why? why did she have to die?" you cried, clambering up onto the ledge.

the tips of your toes hung over, your body swaying with the wind as you stood overlooking the city of musutafu. you felt numb. with your mother's passing, you were truly alone. you didn't have a family anymore; you didn't have any grandparents that you kept in contact with, no cousins, aunts, or uncles. it was just you. would anyone miss you if you jumped?

no, you supposed not. you'd never had any friends or anyone to check up on you. your boss and coworkers might question why you stopped showing up to work, your neighbors might question why they won't see you in the halls anymore, and the heroes you served during their patrols might question why they haven't seen your face anymore.

tears dribbled down, and you shut your eyes. "i'm sorry." you tilted forward, beginning to fall.

hawks sat perched on a rooftop, a small bucket of chicken in the crook of his arm. he munched away happily, his eyes scanning the city for any trouble. it was a slow night, no major villains to fight or robbers to catch. he was somewhat bored, to be honest. but, at least he could eat his chicken in peace; it was a rarity in its own.

one wing hung over his head, protecting him from the downpour, the other tucked behind his back. cleaning his feathers was going to be a pain, but it didn't take him too long.

he supposed he should at least fly around for a little bit. maybe there were villains in dark alleys, after all. that is where some crawled about. he might even run into dabi again, the burnt raisin was always causing trouble.

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