maniacal // k. bakugou; vampire

Start from the beginning

in an instant, the blonde stood nose to nose with you, and you could smell some weird combination of something floral and... metallic? she took a deep whiff, eyes fluttering closed as she sighed. "you don't have to play tough, i can smell the fear on you, and it smells so good."

she shoved you against the wall, and you felt your heart drop in your chest. was this really happening? were the locals actually telling the truth? it wasn't just some stupid rumour?

before you could move, you felt sharp fangs pierce your neck, and you let out a howl of pain, her nails creating crescent shaped wounds into your shoulder. it was such an odd and unpleasant feeling, being able to feel the blood leave your body. your fingertips and toes began to feel tingly when she let go.

"awh, you look even cuter now!" she grinned with a reddened smile.

you struggled to stand through the haze, attempting to brace yourself amongst the wall. your palms scraped against the rough brick, and you could feel your shirt become wet and clingy to your shoulder, spreading downward with each drop of blood that gushed out.

the girl licked her lips. "maybe i should keep you, you taste absolutely delicious."

"like hell you fucking will," a new voice growled.

you squinted, trying to make out a second figure, but everything was growing blurry. you could see vague shapes and indistinguishable sounds of grunts and growls, as though you were thrust underwater. it felt like you were almost drowning, even it was getting harder and harder to breath, harder and harder to stay on your feet, harder and harder to keep focus.

but then everything fell silent, only the sounds of heavy breathing echoing through the breeze.

"hos-hospital," you mumbled. "i... i need to-to go... to the-the hospital...."

something warm touched your cheek, and your eyes fluttered open for a moment, locking with ruby red irises. "ain't no hospital around that's fucking open. where do you live?"

"hospital...," you repeated, eyes closing once again. "need... need to...."

"oi, don't you dare fucking pass out on me," the voice said.

but you felt your conscious slipping away, and everything fell into darkness.


"has there been any change with the human?" someone asked. "i mean, it's been a couple days."

a grunt. "not yet."

"should we really be keeping her here?" the former voice again. "i mean, it was you who made the rule not to–"

"i know what the fuck i said, shitty hair, but i couldn't just leave her to fucking bleed out on the street, could i?"

there was silence for a moment. "no, i suppose not. has her wound healed up?"

"not completely," they replied. "but–"

the two froze upon hearing a small groan from your lips. your form moved on the bed, and both took a hesitant step forward.

"is she waking up?"

"looks like it."

"i think she's waking up."


"she's wak–"

"i fucking got it, shitty hair! now get the hell out!"


your head was pounding as you came to, body feeling heavy and sore as though you hadn't moved in years. you blinked, eyes hazy as they adjusted to the dim lighting of the room. you struggled to sit up, a sharp throb coming from the junction of your neck and shoulder causing you to hiss in pain and clench your jaw.

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