~Chapter 7~

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I can barely recognize myself. The girl in the mirror staring back at me looks so much different than her usual casual hair back and skin void of any makeup. Her eyes are dramatically done with a hint of blue to match the blue skirt she wears. Not to mention her usually covered body now faces the light as her stomach shows from the tiny yellow crop top she wears.

Yet despite how far she is out of her comfort zone, in a way she looks kind of pretty. I look kind of pretty. "Guys, just let me stay home," I whine, but Jun shakes her head.

"Absolutely not. Brielle and I are going and since now you have a real reason to go, you kind have to. Even Nacy agrees."

Nacy nods. "You need to be social. All this antisocial mess needs to go. It's not good for you."

I roll my eyes, sucking my teeth in exasperation. Why does she have to sound so similar to Ryland right now?

"See, so you're going. You have no choice. We're going to personally make sure you go with Ryland too," adds Brielle. "We're walking you to the door."

"Do you really not trust me to walk outside by myself?" I question, feigning hurt.

Nacy, Brielle, and Jun are silent as they give me skeptical looks as if to ask whether I am seriously asking that question. "Anyway," says Nacy, "I'm interested in who this Ryland guy is."

"He's one of the most well liked boys in our school. He's president of like everything. Plus he's kind of cute," says Jun elbowing me, as she fixes the perfect bun that lays on her head.

"You like him?" probes Nacy, her eyes curious and playful.

"No. Ew. Absolutely not. He's an annoyance if anything."

Brielle rolls her eyes. "Stop being so difficult."

"You're phone's ringing," Nacy announces as she hands the vibrating device to me. Swiping my finger across the screen, I place the phone against my ear. "Yah? Hello?"

"Hey," Ryland's resonant voice sounds across the line, "I'm outside. Do I need to come get you myself?"

"No, I'll be down. It's not like I have a choice," I say before hanging up.

"Is he downstairs?" asks Jun, bubbling over with excitement. Grabbing my arm, she doesn't even allow me to answer as she drags me out of the apartment, barely allowing me time to grab my bag and jacket. Nacy and Brielle tag closely behind as we make our way into the elevator. "You don't even have any shoes on," I mention looking down at Jun's fuzzy, purple socks.

"Shoes are overrated," she says as the elevator dings closed.

Ignoring the bubbly chatting of Nacy, Brielle, and Jun, I slip into my black coat that fits snug and warm. As the doors open revealing the lobby, I suck at a breath as I see Ryland standing outside the glass door. "Oh he's kind of cute," comments Nacy as she gives me a nudge forward, "Should I meet him?"

I shake my head and push her back toward the elevator. "That won't be necessary."

"Just saying if this relationship goes any farther than friendship--" 

"Which it won't."

"I have to meet him. Remember, I called walking you down the aisle," Nacy finishes.

Waving her off, I walk toward the door. "Yeah, yeah."

"We'll be there soon, so don't you dare try to ditch the party," calls Jun as I open the door.

The rush of cold air whips me in the face, causing a chill to run through my body. Looking down at my legs, I'm glad that I insisted on wearing stockings along with my blue skater skirt. Glancing up from his phone, Ryland's eyes twinkle as his lips pull upward in a smile. His gaze travels quickly over my body before he bobs his head toward the street. "You ready to go?"

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