~Chapter 23~

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"There's cameras on the house property and on the surrounding houses, so I'll be waiting a couple blocks away, timing the shutdown of the cameras. From there you can get in easy. The security is pretty standard, like the other ones we've broken into. Nothing for you Brielle. You'll get in in 2 minutes tops. From there she'll give you guys the signal. Just get in and get out guys."

Weeks of planning, and we have figured out the full logistics of this robbery. Our final robbery. This one may be our most difficult and risky one yet, and I really hope everything goes seamlessly. The Mayor will finally be out of town, and so should any extra security he has. Now all we have to do is break in quickly and without any of the neighbors noticing us. Then we'll be done.

Just two more days and we'll be done.

"Does that sound good?" Nacy asks, looking between Jun, Brielle, and me.

I shrug. "Nothing too complicated."

"And you're sure the neighbors won't see us?" Jun asks, her eyes big. I can tell she's a bit hesitant. She's been unusually jittery lately, and while she is usually the anxious one, she's a tad more than she typically.

"The Mayor bought out most of the closest surrounding houses. It'll be three in the morning and the entrance is blocked by trees. Trust me."

Jun nods, and I reach out to caress her forearm. Running a hand through her hand, Jun lets out a sigh. "My head's hurting. I think I'm going to go to bed early." She pushes herself of the couch, as we all bid her a goodnight.

"I'll be back guys. I have to get dressed."

Brielle rolls her eyes. "Is Mateo taking you another date?"

"If you must know, yes he is.'

Brielle smirks, eyeing Nacy's bleached stained sweatpants. "Then you're right definitely change out of what you're wearing. Don't want him running away."

Nacy gives Brielle a fake smile and a middle finger as she walks to her room, as Brielle chuckles to herself. She leans back in the recliner in triumph, her head tilted toward the ceiling and her eyes closed. "I'm funny."

"And rude." 

Brielle raises an eyebrow before rolling her eyes. "I'm not," I insist, "I'm just antisocial."

"And abrasive, so it comes across as rude." She shakes her head. "I just poke fun at people. Nacy knows I'm a supporter of her relationship."

I nod in agreement. "I'm happy she's happy."

Brielle opens her eyes, staring at the chipping white paint of the ceiling. "I was worried. Nacy has a big heart, you know? I don't know. I'm just happy that he really treats her well. He treats her like he loves her."

"I hope it lasts. She deserves it."

"So do you," Brielle interjects. "I mean we all do, but you have that too. You and Ryland."

I can feel warmth crawl onto my cheek, like the slow burn of a candle wick. "I don't know about that."

Brielle tilts her head upward to meet my gaze. "You're saying you don't love that kid? Because I know--we all know he loves you."

I shrug. "We're just teenagers Bri. Just stupid high schoolers."

"Who are you trying to convince Robyn?" Her blue eyes darken, piercing straight into my center. "I don't know why you do that. You're so afraid to love--to let yourself be love--and you make excuses." She sighs. "I just don't want you to miss out on something good. This last months, you've been the happiest I've ever seen you. And that's all I want for us. I want us to be normal, and I want us to be happy. He makes you that."

I can feel the welling of emotions filling my throat. I take a deep swallow, in an attempt to digest everything that she said, everything that I know. Ryland means a lot to me, a lot more than I can attempt to quantify. I just don't know. I don't want to move too fast--fall too deep--and then, poof. It's all over.

"Bri, what do you want?"

She angles her head slightly, her eyes darting away from me. A glossy look captures her face, as she ponders to herself. "Honestly? I have no idea. But--" she pauses. Silence pours into the area between us before she speaks again. "Eventually, I want to find a love, but right now, I want to explore. I want to be able to start again. Start anew. That's what I like about theater. I get to explore through the eyes of other characters, but that's not enough anymore. I want to explore the world in my own eyes." Brielle bows her head causing her brown hair to conceal her face as she chuckles to herself. "Am I even making any sense?" She lifts her face to show an uncertain smile.

I smile reassuringly. "Perfect sense." I laugh to myself. "Maybe one day we'll all settle down, and have our houses with white picket fencing and 3.5 kids. And we'll tell them all these stories about these badass girls who managed to steal from the wealthy. How weird would that be?"

"Fucking insane." She smiles to herself, leaning her head back against the chair. "Insane."

A/N:  So this is a short chapter because I needed a transition chapter and I also thought that Brielle character needed some more development so here you are. I'm sorry it took my so long to get this short chapter out but I was suffering from severe writer's block and was very busy with exams and other papers. But I'm glad to be back, and will try to give a new chapter at least every two weeks. Please tell me your thoughts about this chapter and anything you think should happen or will happen in the upcoming chapters. Thank you so much for reading! 

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