+ Plane Ride +

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"P-peter?" I say before I cough harshly forcing the debris off my damaged body. I needed to find him. He was only human I had to heal him. "Peter!" I then have a coughing fit before I fall on my knees, I had been bleeding a lot, but I ignored it. I then hear grunts and cries. I force myself back up and ran to the noise, I see a hand and I use my telekinesis to lift the debris off him. It reveals Peter under the debris, still alive. I watch as he panics and takes off his mask.

"I thought you were dead." I cried as I held him close to my chest and rested my head on his shoulder. He lifted his hand to rub my back slowly before I looked at him, I could see my reflection in my eyes. Whatever makeup was left was washed away by my tears and replaced with the dirt from the debris. I cup his face and crash my lips against his, I could feel him soften up and lean into the kiss. He tasted like mint, I pull back and we look at each-other before looking to spot Vulture perching on a billboard. We nod knowing our job wasn't done.

"Are you ready, Kara?" He asks as we help each-other up.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I reply. We head over to where Vulture is. Vulture spreads his wings and prepares for takeoff. Peter shoots his web and swings onto the billboard, but narrowly misses Vulture, who flies away. I fly and grab Peter using my telekinesis as we follow behind Vulture. I could see the tiny plane in the distance. "Do you have a clear shot?" I say and Peter nods aiming his web shooter directly at Vulture it lands and Peter was now attached to him. I turn myself invisible as I followed behind. The outer panels of the plane light up and mirror the New York City. Vulture goes after the plane as I tail-gated him. I watch as Vulture looks behind him and I silently panic before I watch Peter swing out of his sight.

"Ah! Whoa!" I hear Peter. As Vulture goes higher and higher up, the night view of New York City gets smaller and smaller below us. I had never flown this high before. Vulture flies to the bottom of the plane and holds on. Peter bumps into the plane a few times, but manages to grab onto it. I land beside him visible again.

"Oh, my god! Oh, my god!"

"I got you Peter!" I say as I use my telekinesis to make sure he was attached to the plane and wouldn't fall. Vulture puts the matter phase shifter on the plane, creating a small rectangular window, and moves inside. Peter follows Vulture, but I lose my grip and almost fall off the plane. "Holy shiiiiit." I say as my eyes widened. As I get inside, I stood beside Peter. A small drone is launched out from the wing suit, startling Peter. We walk around the wing suit, it looked like a shell of some sorts. Peter and I are struggling to open the wing suit. I kick Vulture's wing suit and pushing it aside a bit. The air pressure inside the cabin drops, activating the alarm. Vulture comes out and puts on his wing suit. Peter and I try to hang onto the airplane.

"Just a typical homecoming on the outside of an invisible jet with the girl I like... Fighting my friend's dad." Vulture comes at me and takes out panels right above my head. Peter shoots his web at Vulture. Peter is now suspended in air, one hand holding onto the web sticking to the plane, another hand holding onto the web glued to Vulture. The webs snap off and Peter is sucked in towards the engines.

"Peter!" I screamed before using my telekinesis to stop the propeller, as he attaches a web to the plane and pulls himself back to the plane. I sighed in relief.

"Whew, that was way too close for comfort, Kara." I nodded. Suddenly, the propeller falls off. We avoid the crisis by holding onto the plane and kicking the propeller off our bodies. Vulture flies back and attacks Peter. Peter avoids them, but Vulture keeps coming at him. I throw an energy blast at Vulture, but he quickly dodges it. The impact sets one of the engines on fire. Peter clings onto the side of the engine with a thin strand of web, while I floated beside him. Still hanging from the engine, Peter sees the plane flying straight at the city. And I look down as well.

"Oh, my Odin." I say. Peter shoots his web at the right wing of the plane and we pull on it to change the plane's direction. Peter and I continue to struggle with the plane.

"Please turn, please turn!" Peter yells, I open my eyes, they were red and my hands were icy blue. The plane narrowly misses crashing into the city and heads toward Coney Island. The plane hits a ride and crash-lands on the beach of Coney Island. Peter and I lose hold of the plane and roll down the beach. Everything is consumed in smoke and flames. I start to hyperventilate my powers weakening with the fire surrounding me. I watch as Peter slowly gets up and takes off his mask. He has just staggered up to his feet when, suddenly, Vulture flies toward him and attacks him.

"P-peter.." I mumble sticking my hand out my black dots starting to cloud my vision, Sparks fly from Vulture's wings; it is clear that he has suffered some serious damage, too. Vulture continues to attack Peter. Peter shoots his web, but misses and gets pinned to the ground like a bird of prey. He screams as Vulture grabs him tightly with his claws and rains down punches at him. When Peter grabs Vulture's fist to prevent another blow, Vulture flies up and lets go of him. Peter avoids serious injury by shooting a strand of web and holding on to Vulture, but Vulture cuts it off and throws him to the ground. He then slams Peter into the ground a few times. "Peter!" I scream my skin immediately turned all blue, my height grew a couple of inches. I stood up and jumped from my spot with super strength. Peter flips onto his back in a sluggish way, then looks up at Vulture, who picks him up by the hood of his Spider-Man costume. Vulture is holding Peter there, studying his limp body, when he spots a crate.

"Bingo." He drops Peter and I land beside him. My skin turns back to its usual pale and I press my lips onto his and use our contact as a way to heal him. He opens his eyes and I saw some of his wounds heal up. I then move back giving him time to breath and process. I watch as Vulture takes his goggles off, and grabs the crate full of arc reactors. Sparks rain down from his wing suit when he tries to lift the crate, but Vulture does not stop.

"Your wing suit. Your wing suit's gonna explode!" Peter says as he points at the crate, he shoots a web and it sticks to the crate and he pulls with all of his might. I take the web shooter off his wrist and held onto the web. A tug of war ensues.

"Time to go home, kids."

"We're trying to save you, sir!" I reply not giving up. Vulture cuts the web with his wing and tries to fly off. I press the button on Peter's web shooter, but it doesn't work. We look up to see the wing suit failing and covers his head. Vulture drops to the ground along with his wing suit. An explosion consumes him.

"No." Peter whispers. Peter struggles up and runs into the flames, I follow behind him ignoring the pain. He spots Vulture, I nod and lift the wing suit off, I scream in pain from the contact with the hot metal. However, I don't give up. I pick the wing suit up, Peter finds Vulture, and carries him away from the flames. Peter lays him down on the beach. Wheezing and coughing from the smoke, he looks up at Peter and I, who return his gaze.

"Let's tie him up and leave a note." Peter nods as he takes his web shooter and ties him down with his webs. I conjure a piece of paper and pen before I write. "FOUND FLYING VULTURE GUY. SPIDER-MAN & GODDESS. P.S. WE'RE SORRY ABOUT YOUR PLANE."

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