+ Slow Dancing with you +

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Peter and I were facing Principal Morita. "Peter, Kara you're good kids and you're both smart. So just try to keep your heads straight, okay?"


"All right. Get out of here then." Peter takes his bag, we exit the principal's office. Ned is waiting for us in the hallway.

"Are you two expelled? Do you have to go to that high school on 46th where the principal has a crossbow?"

"Pretty sure that's an urban myth, and no, I'm not expelled."

"I may as well be expelled...." I muttered.

"You're so lucky.... Wait what!?" Ned spoke looking at him, tears welled up in my eyes. I hated feeling vulnerable so I took a deep breath and told him everything.


Peter, Ned and I finish building the Lego Death Star in the orchestra practice room. Ned hands Peter the Palpatine figure, which Peter hands to me to place on the top. We do a secret handshake.


School bell rings. Peter and I walk out into an empty hallway and his eyes stop on Liz. "Hey."

"Hey." She replies.

"I thought you had calculus fifth period." Peter asked as we stood there, I stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah, I was just doing some homecoming stuff." Peter leaves my side and walks towards Liz. I didn't know what to do so I walked towards a nearby locker and leaned against it so I could still hear their conversation.

"Hey, look, I, uh... I just wanted to apologize about the whole Decathlon thing. I really-"

"It's fine. Last week, Decathlon was the most important thing, but then I almost died." I then closed my eyes and remembered Washington on how me and Peter saved everyone at the monument, that was really cool. Back when everything was simple. I then zoned back into their conversation. I turn to see Liz smiling at Peter. "Yeah. Sure."

"Really? I mean, uh, great. Cool."


"We're actually going that way." He spoke as he smiled to me and waved me over. Carrying the hall pass, Peter and I walk past Liz. I see her turning to watch him go in the background. A huge grin breaks across Peter's face. I just walked beside him confused.

"Are you okay Peter?" I ask looking at his goofy grin, he stopped dead in his tracks and took me off to the side.

"I'm going with Liz to homecoming!" My smile slowly frowned, I had been planning on asking him today before I went. I took a deep breath and dug my feelings deep.

"That's great Peter! I'm so happy for you, you deserve the best." I lied through my teeth, well half lied. I was happy for him, but I wish I was gonna be his homecoming date...


In our apartment, Peter slides into the kitchen with a frenzied look. "May we need your help." Peter spoke. On our way home, I had asked Ned as friends to go. He was pretty happy, but then asked what happened with Peter since he knew how I felt for Peter. May stares at us with a surprised expression. Peter picks out a dress shirt and tie, polishes his shoes, shakes his head in front of a mirror. I wore a full on black suit with my black vans. I wanted to look my best, this would be my last time here. Peter sprays a perfume in the air to test it, then grimaces at the scent, I giggle at him. May and Peter watch a YouTube video on how to tie a Windsor knot. Peter turns to May with a surprisingly passable Windsor knot; overlooking his lopsided shirt collar, that is.

"Peter," I start as I walked into the living room in my suit. It wasn't much but the dark green/gold eyeshadow and black eyeliner really oulled the look in, I also had my hair done up in a fancy bun. I watched as Peter stared at me, blush beginning to slowly show on his cheeks. "Do you think I look good? I'm kind of thinking it's a little plain. I mean I-"

"It's beautiful. You're beautiful." He spoke before he realized what he said and was turning a deeper shade of red. I looked at the floor at my black vans. "I- I mean, you're always beautiful, you're gorgeous Kara." I lifted my hand and began playing around with my curled hair.

"Do either of you know how to dance?" May asked as she stared at the two of us.

"Oh, I learnt while I was in As-" Peter then lightly punches me and I fake cough. "A school I've been to. It was pretty neat they taught us how to dance and everything." I smiled.

"Great! You can teach Peter." She smiled before she walked over to a record player and put on a slow song. "I'll be in the other room if you need me." She spoke as she left to her room, probably to get a camera of the sorts.

"You look handsome." I spoke as Peter and I got closer before he grabbed my waist and my hand and I did the same. He chuckled before he looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry!" Peter spoke as he looked down at our feet while he danced and I chuckled.

"It's fine, just repeat after me. One, two, three. One, two, three." I then stop talking and listen to him quietly repeat it before he goes silent the room being filled with Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis Presley in the background. We danced in sync as if we had been doing this for years, when this is his first time. "You're a quick learner." I smile and he nods.

"I learn from the best." He then looks into my emerald eyes, his dark brown ones staring at me. I could feel as if I was looking into his soul, before I saw a quick flash of a memory of some sort. I stop dancing and I let go of him to look away, my hand on my temple. "Kara? Are you okay?" I try closing my eyes to see the memory, I then see a quick glimpse of a scary wasteland. I saw a group of people standing around I could only recognize Tony and Peter. Peter had been wearing a new suit, one I didn't recognize. I then feel a pain in my stomach as everything goes quiet, I then close my eyes tightly wanting to get out of this nightmare.

"Kara!"  Peter shouted as I opened my eyes to see him standing over me. I was sitting on the floor, he grabbed my hand and helped me up and I adjusted to my surroundings. "Is everything okay? You kind of zoned out and sat on the floor and I didn't know what to do. and-"

"It was nothing Peter, I'm fine. Now let's get ready for homecoming."

"I have my camera!" May shouted as she walked into the room with a camera and her car keys. "Awe you both look so amazing! Pose now!" She smiled as Peter and I stood next to each-other smiling. We posed a LOT! May really wanted these pictures of us.

"Kara once you head back home, I can print some of these for you to have and I could even put some up on the wall so we can remember you."

"I don't think we could ever forget Kara, May." Peter chuckled.

"I'm going to miss you both so much, you have both been the best to me. You're like my mom, May." I smiled and she wiped away a tear.

"Okay kiddos, let's get this show on the road" and we both nodded.

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