+ Killer Driving Skills +

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Peter and I were swinging and flying before I see Flash driving his homecoming date in a nice white car. "Hey Peter, I have an idea." I started as he turned to look at me as I flew right beside him, I then pointed at Flash's car and he nodded understanding my idea. We got closer to the car before Flash screams as Peter lands on the bonnet of his car. I landed in front of the car and Flash didn't notice me so he drove right at me, but I smirked the car stopping a cm away from me. "Flash." I said looking at him.

"Flash, we need your car and your phone." Peter spoke in a gravelly voice.

"Uh, sir, ma'am, technically, this is my dad's car, sir. So I can't..." My eyes glow green in a way to intimidate him and he stops talking and gets out of the car and helps his date out of the car before handing me his phone as my eyes stop glowing.

"Thank you." I smile innocently before I get in the drivers seat and Peter takes shotgun. I turn the engine on and press my black boot against the accelerator as the car goes into drive. I start speeding past the limit and Peter lays a hand on my shoulder in fear and I take a bit of pressure off.

"Have you ever drove before?" I then accidentally drove into a row of bikes then continued driving.

"Does that answer your question?" I spoke my eyes on the road and I take a quick glance to see him nod before grabbing Flash's phone. Peter makes a call to Ned while I drive precariously.

"Hello, Ned? Hey, hey, hey, hey, can you hear me?" Peter starts as he puts him on speakerphone so I could also hear.

"Go for Ned." Ned replied.

"Ned, I need you to track my phone for us."

"Yeah, but where is it?" Ned goes silent for a moment. "Genius move. Okay, he just passed the Game Stop on Jackson Avenue."

"Hey, uhm, where are the headlights on this thing?" I say.

"We're in Flash's car." Peter added.

"I'll pull the specs."

"Okay, you're on speakerphone if you hadn't noticed already." I kept my eyes on the road, this was scary. My main goal is to not hit anything living.

"You guys stole Flash's car. Awesome."

"It was my idea."

"Yeah, it's awesome. It's awe... Whoa!" Peter says as I nearly crash into other cars. "Get out of the way, get out of the way! Move! Move!" I stare at the other cars for a second taking one hand off the wheel as I push the cars slightly away from the one we're in.

"Peter, are you guys okay?"

"Just perfect." I lie through my teeth. "Well besides the fact that I've never drove a car in my entire life..." Peter just turns to look at me. A car nearly hits us and we scream.

"Hey, have you gotten through to Happy yet?" Peter asks holding onto the side of the car for dear life.

"Yeah. I'm working on it. I just gotta backdoor the phone system." I could hear a spiny chair move in the background. "Guy in the chair." I quietly hear over the phone and I make a tiny smile.

"Hey, Ned, how we coming on with those headlights?" I ask.

"Uh... Round knob to the left of the steering wheel, turn clockwise."

"Got it, left thingy, clockwise."

"Where's my phone now?"

"Um... He stopped in an old industrial park in Brooklyn."

"What? That makes no sense."I say as I look at Peter for a quick second as he is wearing his homemade suit.

"Yeah, I thought he said he was going out of town!" Peter yelled over the other cars on the road.

"Weird. Oh, I reached Mr. Happy. Don't think he likes you, by the way. It sounded like he was catching a flight. He said something about taking off in nine minutes."


"Peter what day is it today?!"

"He was surrounded by a bunch of boxes."

"Boxes? It's moving day. It's moving day! It's moving day! He's gonna rob that plane! We gotta stop him!" Peter finally realizes.


I turn down an empty road at high speeds. We had to be there as fast as we can. "Okay, slow down. You're getting close. It's on your right."


"He said turn right! turn right!" Peter said as I quickly turned the car right, but had to use my telekinesis to make a sharp turn. The car crashes into a streetlight and is almost overturned. It slides down the road on its side, then finally screeches to a stop.

"Are you guys okay!" Ned says through the phone. Peter looks to me and I give a thumbs up.

"Yeah. Just keep trying to get through to Happy." Peter and I jump out of the car. Peter then ends the call and we both look at each-other and nod before heading towards the building.


Peter hangs from his web and slowly descends into the building, I floated invisible beside him. I kept a hand on his shoulder to let him know I was beside him. The room is filled with computers and gadgets. Monitors showing Avengers Tower and the blueprint of Stark's plane. Peter taps on his shoulder and I spot Vulture's wing suit as we go deeper inside.

"Hey! Surprised?" Peter says as I make myself visible.

"Oh, hey, Pete. I didn't hear you come in. Is this Kara? Liz did mention her."

"It's over. We got you." I say looking at him.

"You know, I gotta tell you, Pete, I really, really admire your grit. I see why Liz likes you. I do. When you first came to the house, I wasn't sure. I thought, "Really?" But I get it now."

"How could you do this to her?" Peter says.

"To her? I'm not doing anything to her, Pete. I'm doing this for her."

"Huh, yeah. Excuses." I say as I look at him in the eyes. Peter shoots his web and glues Vulture's left hand against the desk. He sighs before he looks at both Peter and I.

"You two are young. You don't understand how the world works."

"Yeah, but we understand that selling weapons to criminals is wrong." Peter says as our feet touch the ground.

"How do you think your buddy Stark paid for that tower? Or any of his little toys? Those people, kids, those people up there, the rich and the powerful, they do whatever they want. Guys like us, like you and me, they don't care about us. We build their roads and we fight all their wars and everything, but they don't care about us. We have to pick up after 'em. We have to eat their table scraps. That's how it is. I know you know what I'm talking about, kids."

"Why are you telling us this?" I ask.

"Because I want you to understand. And... I needed a little time to get her airborne." Vulture takes a folding knife out of his pocket. Vulture's wing suit flies out from behind our backs, which we avoid. In the confusion of the moment, Vulture cuts free from the web. The wing suit continues to attack Peter and I, but we avoid it with quick movements. "I'm sorry, kids."

"What are you talking about?" Peter asks confused.

"Yeah, that thing hasn't even touched us yet." I confidently say.

"True. Then again, wasn't really trying to." Peter and I look at each-other before realizing that the wing suit wasn't attacking us; instead, it was chopping down the pillars. The building collapses, its wreckage raining down and burying us.

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