Ch. 4 - Demonic Self-Reflection

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Taking a shaky breath, Ben hefted his bag higher onto his shoulder and headed upstairs.

The house had four floors. The basement, the first floor, second floor, and then the attic area where they kept storage. The bedrooms were on the second floor, though Tiana stayed in the attic.

The second floor had six bedrooms. One for his father, one for Ben, and four guest rooms. Ben knew Tiana would be in his room, as his dad didn't let her in his room.

Tiana was folding his clothes, and when she heard him, she turned around with a bright smile and waved. "Hi! I've got all your clothes folded. I also made you an afternoon snack - peanut butter and crackers with a little bit of whipped cream to the side. Would you like anything else?"

Ben shook his head, swallowing nervously. "No. Um... I'm allergic to peanut butter, actually." He eyed her sadly, eyes cascading over her figure, checking for flaws or problems. There were none - physically.

The woman scoffed. "My, my! How could I forget that? Silly me... how about I just give you crackers and whipped cream, then?" She smiled mischievously, putting her hands in her jeans pockets. Her blue eyes scanned him before she tilted her head. "Have I seen you in that jacket before? You look so handsome in it."

"No," mumbled Ben, looking down at himself. "No, ah... this is new. I got it... today. That's why I'm home late. I went to, uh... pick up a jacket." His eyes wandered to his dresser.

Tiana chuckled. "Of course you did. Sorry, I've been forgetting just about everything today... It really is just so silly, but I promise I'll get better."

"Tiana-" Ben started, wanting to tell her there was absolutely no reason for her to need to get better, but she continued, "Right. Well, I'll go make your snack."

And then she left with a smile, shutting the door behind her. Ben grit his teeth, standing there, soaking in the knowledge that she was falling apart. 

Walking over to his balcony, he opened the doors slowly. No one was there. He walked out, slowly, approaching the railing and looking down. Still nothing.


"Ben?" asked Ezra.

Ben whipped around to find Ewan and Ezra behind him, with Ewan clutching the other boy's arm.

"She didn't see us, did she?" asked the boy. "Because we were standing right here and I could've sworn she was talking in our direction but I - I mean, I don't know, but Ewan grabbed my arm and it was a little weird, so maybe -"

"I made us invisible," Ewan mumbled, rolling his eyes. He looked even paler than before, his eyes now bloodshot and his hands trembled as he moved aside the hair in his face in aggravation.

"So she didn't see us?" Ezra asked, astounded. 

"That's what invisible means-"

"Wouldn't that have been a better power to show to prove you're a demon?" suggested Ezra. 

"I lit my finger on fire, Ezra, I very well thought that would have been enough-"

The two went silent, then Ewan cleared his throat. "Me, then? Can we get to me? I can feel this body withering."

"Maybe you shouldn't have possessed it," snapped Ben.

"Maybe you shouldn't have-" Ewan halted, unable, it seemed, to come up with a valid reply. And rather he just huffed in irritation, looking to the side. "Maybe you shouldn't have let him die."

"I didn't know he was going to be possessed," Ben scoffed.

"You haven't even told me how he died. For all I know, you killed him!"

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