Our Ending

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~

We all agreed for a party. Everyone was here. We were in the castles ballroom. I changed to a suit instead of the dress. Although Wolf and Blue tried convincing me of keeping the dress on.

I was dancing with Bill. Wolf was singing and Will was playing the piano.

" So what do we do now pinetree" Bill said as we kept dancing.

" Hmm. How about we go with what we have now and see where it takes us" I suggested. Bill smiled and so did I.

Everyone danced for the whole day and almost the entire night. I decided to stay at the castle. I said my goodbyes to my family.

" Dipper will you come back to the town ever again" Mabel said confused

" Im not sure yet to be honest" I said awkwardly smiling.

" Well at least come visit please" Mabel said giving me puppy eyes.

" Okay I will. Bye Mabel" I said giving her a hug. She hugged me back and she left. I waved goodbye and entered the castle. I made my way to the library.

I looked for a book. I left the book I first brought here in there and I wanted to get it. Once I found it I made my way back to my room I was given here. Once I made it to the stairs I was stopped by Bill.

" Pinetree~ Where are you going" Bill said as he started floating above the ground

" Bill how do you still have your powers" I said confused

" Im not sure but everyone has theirs. I mean I only have a smaller amount of energy than I did when I was in the curse" He said lading on the floor

" What book do you have now" He said curiously

" The book I brought with me" I said showing him the cover

" Oh the one about demons" He said as he took it from my hands

" Yes. Now give it back" I said holding my hand out for it.

" Hmm no" He said a smile grew on his face as he started running away

" Bill!" I almost yelled. I ran after him.

We ran for a while but soon ended near the fire place.

" Bill" I said. He turned around to run backwards but failed and fell on the ground. He ended up tripping me and I fell on top of him.

" Haha" We both started laughing.

" Can you guys please do it in a private area. Like a locked room for example" I heard Blue say. I got up and I felt my face heat up.

" its not like that we just fell" I said trying not to go all red.

" Totally" She said sarcastically.

Blue!" I said. I covered my face with my hands.

3rd Person POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Soon our days became months that soon turned into years. Bill and Dipper got married after two years. Everyone was invited. It was a big deal for everyone. It was on of the most scariest and exciting days for Bill and Dipper. Of course it wouldn't be a normal wedding. Blue and Wolf needed to add their finishing touch and by that I mean the two got Dipper to wear a dress once again. They made sure it was amazing and it was comfortable for him to wear.

Another two years pass after their wedding and they got kids. Dippy got pregnant oof. They had twins. One boy and one girl. They were both excited. Bill was scared for parenthood out of fear of not being a good role model but Dipper has always reassured him.

Twins are born and they have lived they live their lives happily.

Their happily ever after

The best

It was trouble for them to get where they are now but they wouldn't have it another.


Sadly this is the end of our story.

But like ive said before this isn't our goodbye but rather our see you later!

Please if you like reading this story check out my two other stories. I have another story that has already been completed. I also have one in the makings.

Hope you guys enjoyed this story.

Check out my other stories.

**King and Queen of insanity**

**The Kings Of the Night***

See you all in my other stories!!!

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