Ballroom Date

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Mabels POV~~~~~~~~~~

I was in the Mystery Shack looking at the map. We made slow progress in finding this weird castle. I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it and I wanted to slam the door as I saw who was standing there

" Gideon. What do you want now" I said annoyed. I gave him a glare

" Why I wanted to see if I could talk to Dipper" He said like nothing

" What do you- Dippers gone. Ford said Dipper made a deal with a monster and now hes captured in some unknown castle in the forest" I said confused and sad. I looked at the ground

Gideons POV~~~~~~~~

Once she said that I was both sad and happy.

Finally I could save my precious dipper and he will be so grateful for my bravery and amazing skills at rescuing he will marry me.

" Well how could I help. Listen I want to help get your brother back no matter what it takes" I said bravely

" Really?" She said confused and looking confused

" Of course why wouldn't I" I said

" You just found out hes missing" She said coldly

" We don't bring up the past. We need to look at the future. Now how can I help" I said smiling

" Umm well, we have only gone this far" She said letting me enter their home. She showed me a map and what they knew

Oh dipper you are going to be mine and we will live happily for ever

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was looking at new books to read. Bill was helping me pick out interesting books.

" Hey Pinetree I have a question for you" He said handing me a book

" What is it" I said skimming threw the pages

" Have you ever wanted to travel somewhere but you cant" He said walking in front of me

" Umm well, no" I said looking down and thinking

" Wait actually- I -I always wanted to go somewhere but I was never aloud to" I said fidgeting with my the bottom of my shirt.

" Here" He said grabbing my hand. He took me to a table and he grabbed a book

" The witch gave me a book that allows someone to go anywhere in the world" He said taking dusk off of it

" Its one of the cruelest gift. At least to someone like me. No one would like to see a demon like me plus with my temper I could never stand to be in one place. But I think you could" He said opening a page and grabbing my hand. He placed it on the page and put his hand on top of mine

" Think of that one place you always wanted to go to" He said

" Feel yourself there"

" Believe you are there"

" You can imaging it and it will take you" He said I was closing my eyes as I thought about it

After a few minutes I opened my eyes. We were in a dusty home.

" Where did you take us" He said looking out the window

" California. My childhood" I said looking at the room

" Cool. What do you want to do. Go to the beach or something" he said but I wasn't paying to much attention. I was looking around the room

" Pinetree?" He said confused. I turned around and looked at him

Dipper and the Dream DemonWhere stories live. Discover now