Finding Loved Ones and Old Friends

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Blues POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

We were all still cheering. After a few minutes of congratulating everyone we all felt something strange.

" Ow" I said putting my hand over my heart.

" You felt it too" Wolf said a little sad.

" Yeah" I said looking down sad.

" Uhh guys I don't feel very-" Mcgucket said before his clock turned around to show 12o'clock

" Oh no" I said.

" Its over. Dipper didn't make it" I said looking at everyone sad

" Oh dear, Ill miss all of you" Wolf said looking down.

Soon Grendas once teapot face disappeard into a normal teapot design.

" Grenda where are you. Did you see how cool I was fighting" Candy said

" Oh no" We all said

" Grendaaaa-" She said as she almost hit the ground. Will caught her in time. He placed her next to grenda.

" Don't worry i'll make sure they are cleaned everyday" Will said quietly

" Thanks Will" I said smiling.

" Good bye all of you. It was nice being apart of a family" Mcgucket said and soon he turned into a normal antique clock.

" Good by Mcgucket" I said tears in my eyes. Wolf hugged me tight. I hugged her back

" Good bye mate" She said her wolf ears and tail slighty growing

" Goodbye Wolf" I said. Soon she stepped back and she turned into a normal wolf. She looked at us and growled. She ran outside of the castle.

" Bye Will. Watch over everyone here" I said smiling sadly. I hugged Will and he hugged me.

I stepped back and soon my wings came out.

Wills POV~~~~~~~~~~~

Blue's wings came out and soon a light blue light surrounded her and she turned into a dragon. She was alsmot the height of the room. By the way this ceiling is very high. She opened her mouth and ice came out blasting so close to us. She turned into a light blue mist and went out of the castle.

I went to the window to see her turn back and fly into the sky. She was still above the castle.

I felt put my hand where a human heart would be located. It didn't feel good. I went back to the others who could no longer move.

A few more seconds passed and i saw Mcgucket change back to human form

Wait what!

Soon the teapot and teacup started shacking. I moved them to the ground quickly. They turned back to humans

" Candy, Grenda, Mcgucket?" I said confused. They looked at each other

" HE SAID IT" the two girls yelled in excitement.

We all hugged each other. A few minutes of them looking at themselves again and Blue and Wolf ran inside the castle. In human form

" BLUE, WOLF" i said happily. I ran up to them and hugged them

" How did you not die from falling" I said looking at Blue. She smirked. She turned around and showed her dragon wings

" But how" i said confused

" Im not exactly sure but im not complaining" Blue said excited

" What about you" I said confused about how Blue still was part dragon. Wolf smiled and walked back a little. She turned into a wolf. She turned back

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