West Wing

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Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was the next day. I had the same cloths from when I was 'captured'. I looked around the room and I saw a pair of folded cloths on top of the drawer. I got up and there was a note on top of it.

Hey Dipper, I left you a pair of clothing so you can change out of your old one's so you don't feel dirty. Feel free to take a shower, if you want.


Heh I need to thank her later.

I quickly got changed and contemplated about leaving the room or not. After a few minutes of arguing with myself I left the room. I walked around the halls looking for someone. I entered the living room area and I found Wolf cleaning.

" Hey Wolf " I said waving at her. She turned around and waved

" Hello dear" She smiled

" What are you doing down here" She said putting the stuff she had in her hands down

" Well I was hoping I could get a tour of this place" I said kind of embarrassed

" Well im kind of busy right now umm oh maybe Will can give you a tour" She said kindly. She called Will and he soon showed up

" Yes. oh hello Dipper" He waved at me. I smiled and waved back

" Do you think you can give Dipper a tour of the place" She asked looking at Will

" O-oh of c-course" He said a bit stuttering

" C-come on" He said grabbing my hand and leading me to a new room.

" This is the main room, that's the door entrance" He said pointing and we started walking around the place

" That's the kitchen me and Wolf are the ones that mostly do the cooking here"

" This is the dining room" We walked through a pair of doors and went up the stairs

He showed me around the places where everyone is usually seen. It was probably an hour later that we showed up back at the stairs.

" Nobody is aloud to go to the west wing" He said seriously

" Whats in the west wing" I said confused

" Nothin you need to know about" He said as we walked down stairs to the main room

" Why is no-"

" Please Dipper just promise me that you wont go there. No one is aloud there and I think its best not to anger my brother anymore" He said a bit scared but also serious

" Ok I wont" I said

" WILL" we heard someone yell out for will

" I need to go im sorry dipper, Ill see you later" Will said waving good-bye

" Bye" I said waving good-bye as well

I looked at the west wing side of the castle

Whats so bad about the west side.

I looked around to see if anyone was looking and when the coast was clear I ran to the west wing. I stood in front of a double door room.

Im only going to take a look that's it.

I opened the doors and quietly closed them. I walked into the room. As I looked around i saw that the place was trashed. I looked at the walls and i found a portrait of a family. There was a man and what im assuming as his wife and two kids. The man and one of the kids face was scratched? off. The kids reminded me of someone but i could tell who. I walked deeper into the room and i saw a blue rose standing inside a glass cover. I walked closer to it confused. I just touched the glass and then....

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" I stepped back of fear and Bill jumped down and looked at the rose

" YOU COULD HAVE DOMMED US ALL" he yelled sounding angry but also scared

" GET OUT. GET OUT" He yelled. Out of fear i ran out of the room. I kept running out even when i heard someone call my name.

" Dipper?"

" Dipper what are you doing"

" Dipper stop"

" Wait"

" Where are you going"

" Im getting out of here" I said running towards the doors of the castle.

" NO"


i ran out and got on the white horse.

" C'mon girl lets go" I said and the horse started running out. The gates opened and we left. As we left i heard growls and soon i heard a wolf howl. I turned my head back to see a pack of wolves running after us. Soon a wolves appeared in front of us. The horse jumped up making me fall down. Soon it ran off. I started moving backwards away from the wolves.

Uh oh

No, no, no. This cant be happening.

I grabbed a stick that was closed by and held it for dear life. I stood up and looked up. I soon regretted it because i saw a wolf on the hill above me. It growled and jumped down. I looked down and closed my eyes tight. When nothing happened i looked up and....

I soon saw Bill. He ended up throwing the wolves around but he slowly started getting ambushed. He somehow defeated them and they ran off. He looked at me before falling to the ground. I looked back and saw my horse. I was about to get on and leave but i looked back at bill.

I cant leave him here.

I looked at my horse before taking my cape off and putting it around Bill

" You need to help me so i can help you" I said looking at him and somewhat whispering.

" I need you to try and get up" I said and he just nodded. I put him leaning on the horse and i stood on the other side of him making sure he didn't fall. We made our way back to his castle.

After a few minutes of getting back i was helping him clean up his wounds

" OW that hurts" He said angry

" Well if you stop moving it wont hurt as much" I said getting frustrated with him

" Well if you didn't run off then we wouldn't be here" He said more angry

" Well if you didn't easily get angry i wouldn't have gotten scared and ran off in the first place" I said now mad at him. He stayed quite and turned around. I was about to try and clean the wound but i decided to just leave him alone

" Try to get some sleep" I said and got up from my seat.

" We are so thankful for you bringing him back" Wolf said holding her hands and giving me a small smile.

" Yes we are eternity grateful" Will said smiling at me

" Why do you guys care about him so much. It looks like he's the reason you guys are under some curse" I said looking at them confused

" Well your right dear but he wasn't that mean when he was younger. He used to be a sweet little angel but that was before his mother passed away. Once she left his dad took him and made him just like him, cruel and evil. Back then we didnt do anything and that is one of our biggest mistakes. But we now except our fate." Wolf said looking at Bill and then back at me

" I want to help you guys out. There has to be something to break this curse" I said determined to help them.

" Well there is one way-" Blue was cut off by an angered looking Wolf. She covered Blues mouth

" This isn't something for you to help us with. Even if you were up for the challenge we cant and will not force you to do it. Besides we except our future and we are ready for it. " Wolf said a bit stern

" Now then lets leave Bill's room so he can rest" Wolf said and everyone agreed.

I went back to my room for the rest of the day. I want to help them. I wish i knew how.


Hope who ever reads this that you enjoyed reading. See you guys next chapter

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