Chapter 25 ♱

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Katherine's PoVI sometimes wondered what life would be like if I had never gotten pregnant

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Katherine's PoV
I sometimes wondered what life would be like if I had never gotten pregnant. Not that I regretted having Autumn, I loved her to bits, but sometimes I just thought where would I be with my life? I would probably still be living with Natasha, going partying and sleeping around but here I am, living in a school district with my Daughter and boyfriend. If you heard my story you would think I was in my late twenties or thirties but no, I'm 19 years old and my life has already come to a stop. I was so desperate to get into university because I knew if I didn't I would end up with a 9-5 job and I'd be like any other mum except I started and finished much sooner than they did. But none of that mattered, as soon as I saw Autumn all those thoughts would disappear and I would smile.

It's been a month.
Chase has been working at his law partnership.
I got accepted to Holds-worth University.
Everything seems to be Going to plan except Natasha had distended herself from me, I hadn't spoken to her in a month, not like I didn't try to, she would ignore my calls and messages and avoid me socially. It made me upset, she was my oldest friend and now I didn't really have any friends, she was my only close friend except James who hasn't really been around either, Natasha broke up with him so he has been off lately.

I was cleaning up the dishes from lunch whilst Autumn was still napping in her crib. I was sad to move her out of the basinet but she has started to get a little chubbier now and needed a bigger space to sleep in. We were also trying to get her a sleeping pattern meaning she would need to learn to sleep on her own.
When I finished the dishes I went into Autumns room to find her awake looking at the mobile.
"Morning sleepyhead" I giggled as I picked her up.
I carried her into the living room to give her a bottle before we left. Today we had an appointment with the paediatrician at 1 so Autumn could have her shots. I was nervous because most times she had her jabs I wouldn't be in the room because she had them at hospital but I had to hold her this time since she was bigger.
She guzzled the milk down quickly and I wiped away and spit up, I put her over my shoulder and burped her by gently patting her back. She let out a little growl as I patted her back, I took her into her room where I had some clothes laid out for her.
I sighed, I was dressing Autumn when I was just thinking of reasons why Natasha wasn't talking to me, why had she broken up with James? They'd been together years now and at month she wanted to start a family with him. I finished dressing Autumn and clicked her into the car seat.
"Are you ready to go on a little trip?" I smiled at her beautiful little grin.
We drove to the local GP before waiting what felt like hours. She just looked around the waiting room, the ceiling lights catching her attention the most. I smiled down at her, how did I have such a perfect baby?
"Ms Hudson?" A nurse popped her head around the desk.
I picked autumns carrier up and walked over to the desk.
"Room 12 with doctor white" she pointed to a corridor.
I nodded and walked down to the door, knocking gently before entering. I sat down next to the doctor picking up Autumn and cradling her in my arms.
"So How has she been?" The doctor asked.
"Perfect so far" I joked.
He smiled before explaining to me what shots she would be having today.
"Just her DTaP one today, she has the rest already so we won't need to see her for about a month after this" he smiled.
I nodded and held Autumn tight as he injected her with the needle. I looked at her little face, it went from so calm and happy to outraged and distraught in seconds. Her howling filled the room and I tried to settle her by giving her a dummy and rocking her gently.
"Good girl" the doctor whispered as he threw away the needle.
I rocked her whilst the doctor explained any side effects to me, she was still crying but it was less maddening that before.
I clicked her back into the car seat and carried her out of the doctors office.
"I'm sorry beautiful." I whispered.
She had settled now and was quietly suckling on her dummy.
On the way home I drove past Natasha's house, I thought to myself maybe if I drop by unexpectedly I can catch her off guard?
I walked up the stairs carrying the baby carrier, I knocked on Natasha's door and waited patiently. She didn't answer but I could hear the tv on in the background so I tried to the door handle, unlocked.
I popped my head in and Natasha was no where to be seen.
"Natasha? It's Katherine!" I shouted.
I walked into her room, she wasn't in there either. I put autumns carrier down on the kitchen side whilst I walked around the rest of the apartment. I opened the bathroom door, knocking first to make sure I wasn't intruding. That's where I found Natasha, her body lifeless on the ground.
I gasped before throwing myself onto the floor and shaking her.
"Tasha?" I panicked.
I continued to try and get a response from her but it was no use, I noticed a small bag on the side of the sink. It had 2 pills inside of it.
"What the fuck have you done Natasha?" I began to cry.
I pulled out my phone and called the paramedics, popping my head out of the door to check on Autumn.
The paramedics arrived almost instantly.
"When did you find her?" One asked me.
"About 5 minutes ago, I was coming over Unexpectedly and I found her like this." I sobbed
"Do you know how long she's been out?" Another one asked me.
I shook my head.
"What is in that bag?" I asked pointing to the bag of blue pills in the sink.
"Fentanyl pills I think, they've been popular recently as recreational drugs but too many can be fatal, especially mixed with alcohol." He frowned.
I gasped, and burst into tears.
The paramedics carried Natasha's body to the ambulance outside before speeding off.
I quickly called James no later.
"James!" I sobbed
"Natasha, she's done something really stupid" I continued to cry.
"What?" He asked.
"She's taken some drugs and I found her on the floor"
I heard him gasp.
"Where is she?" He screeched.
"An ambulance just took her away" I sniffled.
"Okay, I'm on my way there." He hung up.
I didn't know what to do, I was just on the floor in tears, Autumn was till in her carrier but I didn't care. Had Natasha purposefully tried to kill herself ? I wondered. Why would she do that? Was life really that hard for her? I just couldn't believe she had shut me out, I would of helped her, she didn't have to do this.

I managed to pick myself up and carried Autumn back to my car, clicking her in and then driving home. I put her down on the play mat whilst I curled up on the sofa, all I could think about was her lifeless body on those bathroom tiles, she didn't look real. I had never seen her like that, her hair was unkept and her clothes were dirty. How long had she been out? What if I hadn't of came over? She might of died, but what if she had already, I had no clue what state she was in.
I continued to sob, wishing today was just a bad dream, Chase would walk in and wake me up, Natasha would be next to me laughing and having fun and everything would be back to normal.
But obviously this isn't a movie.

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