Chapter 5 ♱

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Chase's PoVPregnant? God what was I going to do? I couldn't help her, my life is too dangerous already, it would be heartless of me to put her life and that babies at risk

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Chase's PoV
Pregnant? God what was I going to do? I couldn't help her, my life is too dangerous already, it would be heartless of me to put her life and that babies at risk.
I was laid on the floor in my room, starring at the ceiling, the marks and holes it had, all memories.
The holes where me and Payton first ever used my uncles gun, or the marks up there, from when I put mentos in a coke bottle and of stained the walls. It made me think about having a child, it having childhood memories as I did.
I soon snapped out of it though when I heard the front door slam.
"Shit!" I quickly threw myself up.
I grabbed my shoes, slipping my feet into them.
"CHASE!" A shout from downstairs echoed the house.
"I'm coming!" I ran down the stairs, missing every other one.
My uncle stood at the front door, his gaze intense.
"Why aren't you at the gated house?!" He stomped his way over to me, each step shaking the houses walls.
"I was just in town, I've only just got in." Looking down at my feet, I didn't want to look at him, he could tell when I was lying.
"Look at me boy!" He pulled my jaw to face him and I felt his nails dig into my cheek. I dare let out a whimper of pain in case he'd inflict so much more.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET KILLED?!" He slapped me before taking a few steps backwards, it was nothing new, my uncle would beat me as a child if I wasn't obedient, he did it out of love even if it doesn't sound like it. He was protecting me.
"No! I'm sorry!" I sounded inferior.
"Your staying at the other house! This one isn't safe anymore, not after the shoot up. Why were you in town?" He calmed down now, his tone was normal.
"It's nothing, I wanted to go to the beach." I twirled my fingers as I spoke, he made me nervous.
"Okay, be carful." He picked up a bag and threw it at me, catching it in my hands, the bag was heavy it surely was over a tonne.
"Your to deliver this, Okay?" He opened the front door for me.
"Take my car, same address as before."
I nodded.
"Take this, just incase" he handed me a loaded hand gun, I put it in my jeans and covered it with my shirt.

Once I was in the car and out of view of my uncle I unzipped the bag, it revealed pounds and pounds of cocaine, I quickly zipped up the bag and slid it under my seat, Putting my foot to the metal.
I arrived at the address, it was the bad side of town, thugs lined the streets, the occasional Hooker on the street Corners. I pulled up to a fenced house, it had spiked that rested on the top of the gates, keeping intruders at bay.
I grabbed the bag and swung it over my shoulder before exiting the car.
I walked over to the fence, it had a call button with a little camera outside. I pressed the button and waited, the fence beeped open. I turned around making sure I wasn't being followed and proceeded to walk to the house.

Outside there was about 7 men outside with 2 girls, Covered head to toe in tattoos.
"Hey Chico." One of the men came over, hugging me.
"Wassup my homie!" I smiled.
Gray was one of my closest friends, I'd grown up with him and now we helped each other out. As you may not of already guessed, my family are in a gang, we are the highest gang in our area, there isn't a lot of them around this country, there was about 3 in our area. Grays family had the second highest gang, we supplied them with anything they needed and they would return the favour.
"I have your order." I winked at gray.
He laughed, handing me £50,000 in cash.
"Give Oscar my regards."
"I will." I replied.
I turned to walk away.
"Is that Chase Hudson?" I heard a voice from behind me.
"Ah And is that Cameron?" I spun around to see grays sister, I had been in a relationship with her a few years ago, the feelings never left but life got in the way.
She ran over and hugged me.
"God have I missed you" she planted a kiss on my cheek.
"I need to get going before Oscar gets home." I smiled.
"Okay. Stay in touch." She winked at me, holding onto my bicep a little longer than she needed to.

I arrived home, my uncle Oscar sitting outside smoking a cigarette with my cousins. The gated house we had just moved to was very expensive, it was in the better part of town and had maximum security. Whenever something went down all the gang would move up town for a while until everything cooled down, except me, I liked the minimal housing, it was what I grew up with, what my parents had wanted for me.
My parents died when I was 6, they were both in the gang aswell, one night they were walking home from a club and someone shot both my mum and dad, since then our gangs have been rivals, there gang was in the worse part of town, and they seriously didn't care, they had taken so many lives and never been caught because they were so low-key, which was a massive problem for our gang, it was known about and whenever a murder or robbery happened our people got in shit.

"How'd it go?" Oscar shouted to me, gesturing to come sit down.
"Fine, I got your money." I threw the bag of money down to him.
He handed me his cig. I'd started smoking when I was 14, I didn't want to join the gang because it had killed my family and I was orphaned, but my uncle had forced me into it and now I was his bitch. I'm planning on leaving one day, escaping the gang and living a normal life. A boy could dream? There was no way to get out of a gang, it was a lifestyle I was born into and there was no resignation.

That same night I was laid in bed, I found myself thinking about Katherine and my baby inside her. I had reacted horribly when she told me, I was certain she hated me now but she would be safer away from this lifestyle, she was a college student, she had plans and a perfect life in front of her, who was I to take that from her?
I couldn't help myself but wonder what it would be like to have a kid, I could be a dad, I felt like I was ready, I had nothing going on, no career, no relationships, no nothing. Maybe this would be my escape? I could take my family away from this, keep them safe, like my family had done for me?
I shook myself out of it soon enough, I'd already screwed over my baby's mother, she would never forgive me, I knew I wouldn't, I basically called her a whore and stormed off!
I picked up my phone.
"Hello?" Katherine's voice sounded tired, it was 11pm.
"Hello!" She sounded irritated.
I just wanted to hear her voice, she was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen, her blonde her flowed in the wind, her figure was amazing and her personality finished it all off.
"Oh fuck off!" She hung the phone up since I didn't reply.

I put my phone down, slipping it into a draw.
I closed my eyes, rolling around in my sleep all night, I wouldn't even call it sleep honestly. I maybe had 4 hours shut eye? That baby was haunting me, it wasn't in my blood to abandon a kid, have her care for it alone. What if she didn't even keep it? Gave it away? That would be my child, I'd know it was out there, being raised by other people. I was always a family person, I'd believe in family morals. My mother would tell me about her crazy family, before she had married into our family, she had 6 brothers and she was the only girl, they lived in a tiny house with minimal money but she had the best childhood ever, she couldn't complain at all about it, she believes it doesn't matter what you have as long as you have family, that is what I have always believed in.
I missed my mother a lot, maybe that's why I wanted a child? So it could have a mother longer than I did, even though she was perfect, I didn't have her long and now I treasure every moment and memory I had with her.

I don't know what to do.
My last thought before I fell sleep, confusion, panic and overall sadness, even though I felt the need to have this child in my life, my life wasn't ready for the child. He or she wouldn't be safe around my family, I'd have to lie to it all it's life to keep it safe. I know I couldn't do that, I hated lying, I mean it was already killing me that I lied to Katherine and I was beating myself up about it all night.

I'd figure it out, everything even if that meant I couldn't be apart of this baby's life for a while, I would keep it safe.

Till the day I die.

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