Chapter 7 ♱

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Katherine's PoVI was exactly 2 months pregnant now, I had began to show, I had a prefect little bump

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Katherine's PoV
I was exactly 2 months pregnant now, I had began to show, I had a prefect little bump. I wanted someone to share it with but Chase was no where in sight. I hadn't seen him for a long time, the last time I saw him was 1 month ago when I told him I was pregnant. I wish I hadn't of told him now, he reacted so badly it scared me slightly. If the father of my child was disgusted I was pregnant imagine what other men would think of me!

It was finally Friday, I had finished my lessons at college and was excited for the weekend, even though I couldn't drink I could still enjoy it because me and Natasha were going for the weekend away together.
She had booked a little cottage about an hour away in the countryside. It was secluded and peaceful, exactly what I needed right about now, some space.
I was in my room packing, honestly I looked like a tramp, I had a baggy hoodie on and a baseball cap unlike Natasha who had a sweater and some jeans on, her hair curled and mine tied up, hidden under my hat.
"Are you ready to go?" I walked into Natasha's room, she had a bright pink suit case which was half her height, making my little bag look inferior.
"Yep!" She chirped.
"Are you staying the whole year?" I smirked.
"You don't know i might pick a different outfit." She wasn't even joking, dead ass serious.

We took all our bags downstairs to the apartment buildings lobby where James was waiting for us, he wasn't coming with us but he was going to drive us there and back. He grabbed my bag and turned around to grab tashas when his eyes basically popped his head at the sight of her bag.
"How long are you going for?" He laughed, throwing our bags into his car boot.
"Oh shut up! Both of you!" Natasha sat down in the front seat in a huff as me and James laughed at her.
On the drive there the weather was lovely, sun was shining for miles and there was no wind which made Natasha extremely happy because she had done her hair this morning.
It took an hour but we finally arrived at the cottage, it was gorgeous. There was a lake with ducks, a wooded area and the cottage itself was so cozy, it was made of wooden logs and had flowers outside.
"Wow this is gorgeous!" I threw my bag over my shoulder and swung the cottage doors open. Inside was decorated like a log cabin you would find in Alaska or somewhere cold. It had an animal fur rug and throws on the couches, a grand fireplace and some huge beds!
"Wow this is going to be amazing!" Natasha spun around and kissed James.
"Have a great time guys." He kissed her back.
"Thank you." I smiled at them both, they were so happy and I love and games was a great guy, obviously he had his flaws but so did everyone.

About an hour after we had arrived me and Natasha were sat on the couches reading and having a cup of tea in front of the lit fireplace. It was so peaceful and relaxing for a moment I had forgotten I was pregnant, that was until the baby moved again. Natasha noticed me look down and smile at my stomach.
"What is it?" She looked concerned.
I shot a smile back at her.
"The baby keeps moving."
Her face turned into a huge smile.
"Wow! Isn't it early for it to be kicking?" She came over to sit next to me.
"No it's not kicking, just moving and that's perfectly normal." I replied
She looked up at me, her face still happy but different now.
"What?" I looked at her confused.
"You've been researching? Your really excited to have this baby aren't you?" She grinned.
"I really am." Placing my hands on my stomach.

I decided I was going to cook dinner tonight since everything had to be homemade. Natasha made her self useful and went out to the shed to get some fire wood.
I was cooking lasagna for dinner, it was the only food I knew how to cook honestly. My mother had taught me when I was younger since it was my favourite food.
Natasha came back in her hands full with wood that I was surprised she could even see.
"Where should I put it?" She kicked the door shut on her way in.
"Put some in the fire and the rest in the cupboard." I smiled.
"Hm tea smells nice." She came over the the kitchen.
"And it's nearly ready so wash your hands!" I pointed to the sink.
"Okay mother." She giggled.
"No I just don't want bugs from the wood in my food thank you"
"Okay." She giggled.
I placed the meal in front of her and she began to scoff it down. We were eating dinner when she pardoned her self from the table.
"Oh wait here!" She shuffled away.
I was trying to figure out what she was getting but I had no clue at all.
"Tah dah!" She pulled a bottle of wine from behind her back.
"I can't drink wine Tasha."
She spun the bottle around.
"Can't you?" She smiled.
The bottle was non alcoholic wine.
"Oh wow! Thanks" she poured us a glass with our dinner.

After our meal Natasha washed the dishes and I ran myself a bath.
I poured in some bath salts that smelt like lavender and bubble bath. I tested the water before climbing into the water, I had lit candles and placed them around the room, creating a cozy vibe.
God I must of been in there for an hour because Natasha came over and knocked on the door.
"Are you done in there yet?"
"Oh wow, yeah I'm getting out." I wrapped a towel around my body and pulled the bath plug.
I sat in my room for about half an hour just in my town before getting into some comfy pjs for the night.
I sat in bed reading a book about pregnancy, I had been reading this at home and got a little addicted.
i was about to put the book down and switch off the lights when my door creaked open. Natasha stuck her head in.
"Can I sleep with you? My rooms really creepy." She giggled.
I laughed and made room for her to climb in.
I turned the lights off and went to sleep.

I woke up to bird chirping outside my window but mostly crashing from downstairs.
I quickly ran down to see what the commotion was all about and Natasha was dropping pots and pans all over the kitchen.
"What on earth are you doing?" I laughed so hard tears formed in my eyes.
"I wanted to make breakfast.." she began to break out in laughter.
I went over to help her clear up and we made breakfast together, it was a traditional English breakfast with onion rings aswell for some reason. In all seriousness, it wasn't even that bad to say I let Natasha help out.
"What are we doing today?" I asked placing the dirty dishes in the sink.
"Okay I was thinking we could go swim in the lake?" She smiled.
"It's a lake, it had ducks in it Natasha." I giggled.
"Yeah but on the way up I noticed a bit with no ducks in! It's cornered off." She begged.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes.
She rushed up stairs throwing down two bikinis.
"Bikinis!" I gasped.
"Yep! Unless we're skinny dipping?" She winked at me before laughing.
"It's freezing!" I furrowed my brow.
"Grow up Kathrine." She rolled her eyes at me.
We got changed into these bikinis and walked down to the lake where there were no ducks or anything that we would disturb.
"See!" She pointed to the water that was separated from the rest by a patch of land.
She dived into the water, disappearing under its foggy surface.
I dipped my feet in, hovering on the edge so I wasn't fully in. I noticed Natasha hadn't come back up yet and began to worry.
"Natasha?" I looked down but the water was cloudy and dark.
That was when I felt a hard tug at me feet and I fell into the water, I opened my eyes under the water to see Natasha, that bitch I thought.
We both swam up and gasped for air, me splashing here with my hand.
"I thought you were drowning!" I yelled.
She laughed at me.
"Don't stress the pregnant lady!" I giggled.
Her expression changed like she had forgotten I was pregnant, like it changed the situation.
"Isn't it too cold for you to be in the water too long?" She looked at me.
"No it should be fine." I assured her.
We stayed in the water for about half an hour until I got tired and felt like I was going pass out.
"Look I'm going in to have a nap." I climbed out of the lake.
"I'll come in aswell." She followed shortly after me.

I dried off in my room and threw myself onto the bed, I laid there looking at the ceiling for a good 10 minutes. I was thinking about chase. Like where was he? I hadn't seen him in a long time, maybe he moved to a different planet to avoid me, I know I would if I could.
I rolled over and fell asleep.

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