Chapter 6 ♱

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Katherine's PoV God, it's been 2 months now, the summer holidays are over and they were shit! I couldn't drink because of the baby, I couldn't keep my food in my stomach every morning because of the baby and did I mention I'm having a baby? So tha...

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Katherine's PoV
God, it's been 2 months now, the summer holidays are over and they were shit! I couldn't drink because of the baby, I couldn't keep my food in my stomach every morning because of the baby and did I mention I'm having a baby? So that was my 6 weeks, how was yours?
I know Natasha's was amazing, mostly because I witnessed it. She went out every weekend, her and James rekindled there love for each other, I'm glad really, I love James. He's always been like a brother to me, he has been there for me the whole 6 weeks, I owe him so much.
After about a month my mum went home to my dad, she didn't want to but I forced her, I wasn't in labour yet and I sure as hell didn't need her bugging me with all this baby shit. We told my dad and he was so supportive, honestly he made me cry, he was so excited to be a grandad. I love my dad so much, I've always been a daddy's girl for sure, he spoils me rotten sometimes.

However, these 2 months have passed and chase hasn't been intouch, I haven't even seen him round town, it's like he's packed up and just disappeared with the wind. I know we weren't madly in love or even in a relationship but I needed him, I needed to know that I had someone to begin this family with otherwise I was going to be all alone, raising this child as a single mother. I at least thought he'd get in touch but not even that, not since I told him I was pregnant. It was an absolute shame. I just didn't want my child to grow up not meeting their dad, especially when he is out there.

Anyways, since the school year has begun I have to attend all my classes, and I have to actually listen now because I'm going to have to drop out earlier than expected to give birth.
Today is the first day back, god I forgot how waking up early emotionally drains you for a whole week.
I begrudgingly got up and dressed, I put on a black and white dress with some knee high boots.
I wasn't going to do my hair, no way, so I simply threw it into a bun and went to eat breakfast, it was around 7am and I was eating weetabix on the kitchen table when Natasha finally came out of her room, she had been up since 6 getting ready, she'd done her makeup, curled her hair and was wearing a skirt and tight top. Sometimes I worried about this girl, it was like she had to impress everyone around her, when she already had everything I wanted.

"Are we going or what?" She giggled, her books in hand.
"Why are you so excited?" Milk dribbling from my mouth.
"Because James is getting us in his new car!" She practically started bouncing.
"It's a car..." I took another spoonful of cereal.
"Yes but it's an old mustang and it's gorgeous!" She rolled her eyes at me.
"Okay let me clean up and we can go." I sniggered.
"Oh shut up, I'll meet you down there." She quickly shuffled her way outside in her heels.

I grabbed the house keys after washing my dish and locked up. It was a pain living on the 5th floor because we had to walk up and down so many flights of stairs in heels, granted we didn't have to wear the heels but cmon.
I got outside, practically gasping for air at this point and James had Natasha in his embrace, god I was jealous, they were so cute.

"Are we going losers?" I hopped in the back of the car, It was a pretty cool car I must say but she described it like Easter and Christmas In one.
"Yes lets go for a spin!" She began to smile. James being the gentleman he is swung the door open for her and she stepped in.
On the way to school Natasha rolled down the windows and stuck her head out like a dog. Honestly it was pretty amusing and I didn't have the heart to tell her she looked stupid.

James parked his car and we all got out of the car, usually at school James and Natasha go away together and I go do my things, I liked the space and peace of being alone but now it was different. Natasha was linked up with James and by now she would of walked away.
"Do you want me to stay?" She looked at me, I could tell she wanted me to say no but she felt the need to put the option out there.
"No I'm fine." I waved to them as they walked off.
I walked over the bench placing my books down next to me since my bag was full.
"Is anyone sat there?"
I looked up to see a boy I didn't know smiling at me. He was cute and he looked friendly so I moved my books over.
"Oh no, please take a seat." I smiled back at him.
"Thank you, I'm Luke by the way." He had the cutest smile, it was contagious.
"That's a lovely name." He continued to smile at me.
I ended the conversation and scrolled through my phone.
I felt him nudge closer to me so I slyly turned my head so I could see him, he had placed his hand on my thigh making me jump.
"What the hell!" I furrowed my brow at him, grabbing his hand and pulling it away.
"Cmon don't be like that, your a pretty girl." He winked at me, he was uncomfortably close now and I began to feel overwhelmed and sweaty.
"Get the fuck away you freak." I stood up and grabbed my books.
He was no longer smiling at me, it was more of a scowl.
"I know you want me!" He stood up, his height towering over me.
"Fuck off freak!" I pushed him but he hardly budged, the bench we were near was pretty secluded and no one was really around. I felt his hand manoeuvre up my back, I kicked him in the shin and he retracted his hand.
"HELP!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, it startled him and he began to take a step back.
"Shit" he whispered looking around to see if anyone was coming to my aid. Whilst he was distracted I managed to quickly run around the corner of the campus where everyone was walking into school.
My heart was pounding a mile a minute, I felt so disgusted and honestly sick.
I paced into the school corridor when I felt myself become uneasy, light headed even. That what when I lost all feeling in my hands, my books dropped to the floor and less than a second later so did i.
I was in and out of consciousness, one second I saw people surround me and then the next it was dark. Or I'd see someone carry me to the nurses office and then it was dark again.
When I awoke my head was pounding, it took me a moment to realise where I was, it was hospital. I was in a gown, hooked up to wires and drips, I don't know how long I was out for but I was alone.
I looked around the room, it was still light so I couldn't of been here long?

A nurse walked into my room.
"Ah your up!" She walked over to me with a clip board.
"How long have I been here?" I asked worriedly.
"Only an hour, you were out cold though." She looked at my visuals and began to take notes.
"How are you feeling?" She put the clipboard down and adjusted my wires, removing nearly all of them.
"My head is really hurting."
"That's because you fainted."
"Oh" I sat up.
"I see your pregnant?" She looked at me concerned.
"Yes! Is the baby okay?" I was worried more than ever now, I'd totally forgotten I was pregnant.
"Yes the baby looks fine, nothing to worry about" the nurse reassured me.
I sighed, sitting back.
"Is there someone I should call to pick you up?" She picked up a phone in the room.
"Oh um, let me give you my mums number."

She called my mum who came and picked me up minutes later.
Sat in the car was very uncomfortable, there was no radio so it was pretty much silent. That was until my mum decided to play 20 questions.
" so is the baby okay?"
" what made you faint?"
" is it serious?"
There were more and even more, eventually I snapped.
"Mum! I'm fine, I was overwhelmed and fainted! Big deal!" I barked at her.
Her expression was embarrassed and she broke eye contact with me.
"I'm sorry mum.." I looked over at her.
"No I understand, I shouldn't pressure you so much.." she smiled at me, rubbing one of her hands over mine.
"I love you." I smiled back at her.
"I love you too Katherine."

Laying in bed I just starred at the ceiling, I was pretty bored and couldn't sleep at all. But all of a sudden I felt a movement, it was the baby. I sat up, startled at my discovery, the baby was creating little flutters in my stomach, it wasn't unusual to feel small movements this early on but I didn't really think about it until now.
It was nice, it felt like a sign, a sign my baby was happy, I know I wasn't happy for a long time during my pregnancy but at least I finally had some connection with the child I was bearing. It just made me wonder, if chase was here right next to me, we could be experiencing this together, being in the moment like a real family but no, he had run away, disappeared.

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