Chapter 8

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I studied the book as I shook my head. "No. I don't remember anything at all. The only thing that I remember as a family is the Toyotomi army. That's it" I said, as I looked down at the floor. "So, you don't remember anything about your human parents?" he asked as I shook my head. "No, I don't. Sorry" I said, feeling bad about the situation. Misunari looked towards Yukimura and Nobuyuki as he spoke. "Harper was separated from her parents at a young age. She lived the rest of her life with us" he explained. I thought about the situation as I sighed. I started to focus on my breath as I felt a little tired from everything. The tiredness started to confuse me. Why was I getting tired? As they talked, Yukimura picked up the book as he looked through it. I studied the cover of the book, as I saw something on the cover again. I squinted to study the shape of a hand, the same one as before. My eyes widened as I spoke. "It's back," I said, getting further away from the book. The three of them looked at me with curiosity across their faces. "Are you talking about the hand?" Misunari asked as I nodded. "Yep. It's on the cover again. You can barely see it" I said, as they turned the book over. Yukimura looked at the book closely as he spoke. "Ok, now I'm starting to see it," he said, as Nobuyuki continued to search for it. "I don't see it," he said, as his younger brother pointed it out to him. Misunari sighed as he pushed up his glasses. "I'm wondering if this is your mother, how long was she haunting that book for?" he asked. Yukimura looked at him as he spoke. "The question would be, why is she haunting my journal? Would she be haunting his army?" he asked as I looked at all three of them. "His?" I asked as Misunari looked at me. "She doesn't know who he is. We need to keep it like that for now" he explained. I looked out the furthest window as I noticed the sun peeking through it. The reflection shined through the window and onto the floor, making a shadow of the window pane go right through it. I studied harder as I saw an outline of a woman. A ghostly figure that watched the four of us. The woman had long, wavy hair that was the shade of mine. She wore a white dress with white flats, that made me think of something. She looked at me with faint blue eyes, that looked more happy then sad. "Who's that?" I asked as I pointed at the window.

Nobuyuki looked at me, then at the window as he spoke. "Nothing's," he said, as he stopped to examine the woman. He looked back at the book as he spoke. "The hand is gone," he said, as he looked back at the woman. Yukimura calmly walked up to the woman as he spoke. "Are you the one that's haunting my journal?" he asked, calmly as the woman looked at him. She looked like she wanted to reply back, but couldn't physically do it. She looked at me with her eyes showing sadness as she picked up her hand. She pressed her hand up against the window and nodded towards me. I studied her acton as I spoke. "I don't think she can speak. Could she need to possess something in order to talk?" I asked as Misunari sighed. "I don't know. I don't think this spirit can understand us" he said, as we looked at the woman. She nodded, not saying a word. I watched as the woman lifted up her chin and started to pat her neck as if she was trying to tell us something. She looked down as she moved her mouth, but no words or sounds came out. "Do you think she can't speak?" I asked as I studied her. She looked me in the eye as her eyes seemed to glow even more than her body. I started to walk up to the window before anyone could stop me. It felt like she was hypnotizing me to see her. "Harper, don't get to close" Misunari demanded as I couldn't pull away. I slowly walked up to the window as I looked at her. I looked down at my hand, then to her's as I looked at her face. She nodded as to say that it was ok and that I wasn't going to get hurt. I lifted my hand as to put it over hers, but ended up dropping it.

I turned to Misunari as I spoke. "I think she needs to use one of us to speak. Can I let her possess me to find out who she is exactly?" I asked, hoping he would say yes. Misunari shook his head as he spoke. "I don't think that'll be the best idea," he said, as Yukimura sighed. He looked at the woman as he spoke. "She doesn't seem harmful at the moment. Maybe we should let her, just to see what'll happen" he explained. Misunari looked at the figure, then back to Yukimura. "And what if this thing kills her? I don't think Hideyoshi would want that." The figure looked as to be in shock, then shook her head as to deny the idea. "What do you think she's saying?" I asked as the figure looked at me. She looked at Misunari as she mouthed something again. I turned back to Misunari as I spoke. "Please, let me help her. I promise, I won't let anything happen" I said, as I looked at him. Misunari sighed as he spoke. "Alright, just be careful," he said, as I nodded. "I will," I said, as I turned back to the figure. I sighed as I watch her reach out her hand. She placed it on the window, then gave me 'the ok' look.

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