Chapter 13

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I managed to go for a little walk to stretch out my legs. My wounds hurt a little, but it felt like pulled muscles than anything. Tokuichi was walking on the side of the wall next to me, keeping up as he dodged the wooden beams that held up the roof. I smiled as I turned to the monkey, seeing him walking in happiness. I looked up as I heard Toshiie's battle cry. I saw him in the yard with Kambee and Misunari, fighting Kambee with a wooden sword. I heard the clank of the wood as they fought, but I couldn't tell who was winning. I went to yell, but a slight pain shot through my side, so I decided not to. "Ok, let's try again," Kanbee said as the fight continued. I smiled as I watched, knowing that it was just practice. Plus, a wooden blade couldn't stab through anyone as a regular blade would. I knew that from playing with one when I was younger. I smiled as I continued to walk away, deciding to leave before they got distracted. I walked down the hallway while I kept an eye on the knee. I studied the way I walked and how bulky my pant leg looked with the wrapped up bandage. You could defiantly tell which one was wrapped up. I sighed as I looked up. "Definitely going to be a while until I can leave home again. Probably have to heal up before trying again," I spoke as I looked up.

I heard running as something small landed on my back. I looked up to see Tokuichi, who was climbing on my shoulder to get a good seat. I smiled as I rubbed his head, then continued to walk. I was about to leave the area completely when I heard a shout. "HARPER!" Toshiie's voice yelled from across the yard. Toshiie was starting to walk closer, as Hambee took his place to duel Kanbee. I stopped as I turned more towards him. He leaned against the railing for support as he spoke. "Stretching the knee?" he asked as I sighed. "Yeah. I wanted to do some chores, but I couldn't put pressure on it yet," I explained as he sighed. "Maybe later I'll help you with them, seeing how picking up heavy objects isn't a good thing for you right now," he said, as he glanced at my knee. I sighed. "Yeah, still got to be easy on it," I said as I looked down at it. Toshiie sighed as he looked at Tokuichi. "Being a little guardian there?" he asked as the monkey walked on the beam in front of me. He paid little attention to Toshiie as he walked on my shoulder. I chuckled as I turned back. "I think you just got ignored," I said, with a chuckle. Toshiie chuckled himself. "It's probably because I didn't give him a banana," he said as I chuckled. "Probably. Oh, have one of you seen dad lately?" I asked as he scratched his head. "I haven't seen him after we came home. Have you checked the meeting room?" he asked as I shook my head. "Not yet. I saw you practicing so I thought he was here" I said, as Toshiie sighed. "He was when we started, but then he left to get some work done. Why? Something bothering you?" he asked as I shook my head. "No, not bothering me. But curious about some stuff," I said, as Toshiie sighed. "Um, hang on," he said as he turned back to the yard. "HAS ANYONE SEEN HIDEYOSHI?" he yelled. At that moment, the air fell silent as to us waiting. "CHECK THE MEETING ROOM, HARP. I THINK HE'S LOOKING AT PAPERS IN THERE!" Mitsunari yelled from the field. I smiled as I looked behind Toshiie. "THANKS!" I yelled back. Toshiie turned back to me. "Alright. And if we see him, we'll let him know you're looking for him," he said, as I smiled. "That'll be nice. Thanks," I said, as I walked down the hallway, letting the four go back to practice.

Running came down the hall as Tokuichi jumped on my shoulder and looped his tail around my neck. I chuckled as I looked up at him. "Did I forget you?" I asked as the monkey curled up comfortably around my neck, nestling his head in the crook of it. I smiled as I scratched him on the head. I looked forward as I took the next turn and continued on my way through the building. I still heard the faint clank of the swords as they disappeared in the distance. I kept thinking about the questions that were forming in my mind. I kept thinking of the people that we met while we were out and how the man knew me. Was he friends with my human parents? I looked down to study the floor as I walked. The more I walked, the more I spaced it. I thought of the way that the army reacted to the two when they came closer. Did the army have something against them?

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