Chapter 3

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I woke up with a yawn, as I rubbed my eyes.  I opened them to see a different looking, tent-like building.  I sighed as I turned my head to the left, then right. The tent was a light brown, with white walls, that was light enough for the natural lighting to peek through.  I was lying on a little bed, that was in the corner of the room.  I huffed as I sat up, looking around better.  My shoes and sweatshirt were sitting right next to me.  My sweatshirt was nicely folded up, big enough to fit in a draw and my shoes were lined up next to it.  I looked at it as funny as I spoke. "Where am I?  Who did this?" I asked myself as I sat up. I flinched as a cold, wet feeling moved on my ankle and the sound of ice clanking up against each other rose within the air.  I moved the blanket to find a little bag of ice. It sat on my ankle as it draped all around it. The ice was spread all over the bag, making sure it covered every aspect of my ankle. I looked at it more as I spoke aloud to myself. "What the," I said, as shifting moved within the room next to me.  I looked at the wall, as I stayed silent, afraid to make another sound.  I felt around me for the knife, but I couldn't find it anywhere.  I silently struggled to get up, as I managed to stand back on my feet.  I looked at the wall, seeing a shadow of a figure near the wall. I watched as the figure got up and walked to the end of the room. I heard the sound of a door opened as footsteps came more towards the room.  I grabbed the knife as I tripped out of the bed, but managed to stay on my feet.  The shadowed figure kept coming closer, as I backed up to the other end of the room. My back hit the wall as the figure's footsteps stopped.  A motion of the figure's hand lifted up and knocking came on the door.  

"Excuse me," the figure said as the door opened, revealing one of the beings that found me in that trap. He wore the same uniform as before, a green uniform with red on it.  He had green eyes that were more like a teal color than anything. Tan ears sat on his head as a bushy, tan tail dropped behind him.  I looked at the being in confusion as to figure out what type of behind he was.  "How you feeling, Harper?" he asked as I looked at him strangely.  I didn't say a word, just lifted the knife up, pointing it into his direction.  The being sighed as he looked at my feet. "I see your standing, which is a good thing. How's the foot? In any pain?" he asked, as I just stood there.  I didn't know what he wanted, but I did know that I didn't feel safe here. "Do you want" he started to say as he walked closer, but I cut him off. "Don't go near me," I said, my voice shaking in fear. The man looked at me as he sighed. "Alright. Can I still be in here with you?" he asked, as I looked at him more.  "If you stay far away from me," I said, hoping that I could trust this being that much.  The being nodded as he backed up even further away. "Does this work?" he asked as I nodded. "That's close enough," I said, as I looked at the door. I couldn't leave the room, with that being there.  I looked back and forth between the being and the door, hoping I could try to get out of here.

"Ok, Harper. I'm just letting you know that your safe here. I want to ask you a few questions if you can give me an honest answer. Can you at least do that for me?" he asked, as I looked at him.  "I will. If you answer some for me first" I said, as the being sighed. "Alright. We're going to be here a while.  Do you mind if I sit near you?" he asked, as I shook my head. "Stay away from me. Just until I can trust you" I said, as the being nodded.  I watched as the being walked on the door side of the room and sat down.  He huffed as he spoke. "Ask as much as you want," he said, as I sighed. "Alright. Tell me who you are" I demanded, the blade still pointing at the creature.  The creature nodded as he spoke. "My name is Yukimura Sanada and I'm the head commander of the Sanada army, which is where we are," he said, as he waved his hand to show the room. I looked around the room as I focused back on him.  "What was that trap like thing?" I asked him as he sighed. "My army was searching for people that were lost. That trap was for if anything snuck up behind us.  It was supposed to trap an animal if it wanted to attack."  I cocked my head in confusion as I spoke. "So, you don't kill humans?" I asked as he gave me a funny look. "Why would we want to do that? You can say that we're one of the good guys if that makes it easier to understand" he said, as I sighed.   I started to get the feeling that he didn't want to attack, so I eased up a little. I slowly tilted the knife down to the floor. "Alright. Thanks for that" I said, as I sat on the bed and put the knife in my lap, but still kept it in my hand.  

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