Chapter 1

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I was lying in my bed, all curled up from a good night's rest. The army wasn't back yet by the sounds of it, which meant I was in here by myself with some of the soldiers.  I woke up as I felt the bright sun, shining through the window.  It was warm, showing a yellow tint that made a shadow of the window on the floor.  I got up as I turned around, feeling something crawling on the bed.  I turned to see my dad's pet monkey sitting on my headboard, looking at me.  I cracked a smile as I spoke. "Good morning Tokuichi," I said as I rubbed the tan monkey on the head.  Tokuichi looked at me as he tilted his head in confusion.  I cracked a smile as I spoke. "Did dad forget to feed you?" I asked, as he jumped off and onto the chair by the desk. I sighed as I got up and took a stretch, feeling a deep stretch in my back.  I felt the warm air, which meant that dad kept the heat on while they were gone. He was good at making sure I was comfortable in the base, as I like to call it.  I walked up to the window, seeing the soldiers crawling through the yard, as they did their own things.  I sighed as I got down and started to get dressed, knowing that I wanted to be ready for whatever I had to do.  I walked into the closet as I went through my clothes, seeing what I had for today.  I sighed as I started to rummage through. "I hope I'll have enough time to do laundry," I said, as I started to pull out my basket of dirty clothes. I picked out a pair of jeans and a red tee shirt for my outfit.  The tee shirt also had a white heart on it, with the letters to make up love in the middle of it.  I chose the darkest pair of jeans that I owned, which was hammy downs from when I was taken by the army.  Dad took some of my mom's clothes and stored them for when I grew up.  I didn't mind them at all. I was just glad that I had something to wear. I started to get dressed as I sat on the bed.  I was glad that I fit perfectly into the clothes, seeing how I had a little more than I needed. After I got dressed, I got up as I walked over to the desk.  I grabbed my brush as I ran it through my hair, getting all of the knots out of it.  I brushed it into a big ponytail as I spoke. "Hmm. What should I do with it today, Tokuichi?" I asked as I turned to him.  The monkey tilted its head in confusion but didn't make a sound.  I sighed as I turned back to the mirror as I started to braid it.  When I was finished, I took a moment to look at it.  I nodded as I looked at Tokuichi. "Does this look good?" I asked him, but he didn't look interested.  I sighed as I turned back to the mirror.  "I know I'm crazy. Here I am, talking to my dad's monkey, like he can talk back" I said, as he started to screech. "Fine, fine. But when you pronounce words to me, that's when I'll go crazy" I said as I held out my hand and he crawled onto my shoulder.

I walked out of the room and into the hall, as I started to walk down it. "Man, life in the base is really boring. But if dad thinks it's safer, I'll do it," I said, as I walked into the kitchen.  I walked up to the counter as I opened the cupboards.  "Hmm, what to have?" I asked as I closed the door again.  "I wonder where they went to," I said, as I grabbed a banana. I peeled it as I started to pick it apart as I ate. "They must be patrolling somewhere," I said, as Tokuichi jumped onto the chair. He screeched, as he rocked the chair back and forth. I sighed as I ripped off a piece of banana as I fed it to him. "I'm eating your favorite snack, am I?" I asked, as the monkey grabbed it and ate it. I smiled as I heard a loud creaking off into the distance.  I turned around, seeing the horses coming back into the grounds. I sighed. "And their back. I wonder what they're up to today," I said as I picked off another piece of banana. Screeching entered the room again as I spoke. "Fine, here.  Keep stealing my banana," I said, as I fed it to Tokuichi again.  The monkey grabbed the banana with ease, as he rolled onto his belly and snacked on it like a lollypop.  I smiled as I started to rub his belly. "You love banana's, don't you?" I asked as he started to enjoy the belly rub. I put the banana down as I grabbed bottled water out of the fridge and took a drink.  The fridge in the kitchen was nothing but bottles of water and blood.  I wasn't allowed to have blood unless it was major and dad forced it down me.  I sighed as I thought of it.  I was still living with vampires and I was the only human in the castle.  But dad was more like a father figure than anything.  I looked at the sky, as I thought back to that day.  If it wasn't for him, I would be dead. I smiled as I spoke again. "I don't mind living here. There's probably worse out there. Right Tokuichi?" I asked as I turned to the monkey. Tokuichi yawned as he crawled onto my shoulder and hung from the back of it.  I rubbed his head as I heard yelling outside. I looked out seeing the big door to the wall open up and the horses walked through. "Probably not a laundry day," I said, with a sigh. I turned towards the door as I walked out of the room, with Tokuichi on my shoulder. I rubbed the monkey on the head as I started to walk down the stairs, knowing that dad was going to look for me.

The Daughter Of HideyoshiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora