Chapter 18

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I jolted awake and quickly grabbed my knife. I faced the rest of my bedroom as my heartbeat pulsed within me. I looked around the room as I studied the sunlight coming through the window. I settled my breath as I lowered the knife before making my way to the window. I opened the curtain as the sunlight beamed me in the face. I winced as I dropped the curtain, letting it fall back into place. I rubbed the sleep out of my eye as a patting of footsteps came from down the hall. I quickly whipped around as I threw the knife. "Woah!" a familiar voice said, as a shadow jumped back from the door. My eyes now were wide as my body started to shake. I fisted my hands as the footsteps started back up again, then Toshiiee looked through the doorway. "Nice one Harp," he said, as I gasped and pressed both my hands to my mouth. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry," I said, as I started to tear up. Toshiie brought his hand up as he approached. "It's ok Harper, it's just me. There are no more tests," he said, as he wrapped me in a hug. I buried my face in his chest. "I'm sorry," I said, as I tried not to cry. "It's alright Harp. Everyone is safe," he reassured me. I pulled away from him as I whipped my cheek. "I guess you are still shaken up about that test last night. It was impressive," he said, as I walked out of the room. I picked up the knife and put it back on the nightstand. "It really did a lot on my sleep. I felt like I couldn't sleep after," I said, as Toshiiee chuckled. "Harp, you slept great after. Seeing how I carried you back to bed," he said, as I looked up at him. "I felt like I didn't get enough," I said, with a yawn. "That could be because you crashed," he said, as I stretched. I yawned again as Toshiiee put the knife back in its holder. "Did you sleep with it last night?" he asked as I shook my head. "I found it on the nightstand when I woke up," I said, as I rummaged through my closet for a clean set of clothes. Toshiie chuckled. "Still on guard?" he asked, as I shook my head. "Not really. I didn't have trouble after that," I said as I pulled out another hoodie. Toshiie placed the knife back on my nightstand. I pulled out a black teeshirt and found a pair of jeans to go with it. I grabbed a pair of socks as I placed the outfit on the bed. Toshiie watched me for a few moments then started to turn. "Breakfast will be ready shortly. We're eating in the meeting room," he said, as I nodded. "All right. I'll be there once I'm ready," I said, as Toshiiee exited the room.

I sighed as I changed into the fresh clothes that I found, then ran a brush through my hair. I threw on my sneakers as I left the room and followed Toshiie down the hallway. Another set of footsteps approached as Tokuichi came from behind me. The monkey jumped on my shoulder, then wrapped his entire body around me. "Good morning," I said, as I scratched his chin. Tokuichi bent his head towards me when I scratched it, then straightened his back and curled his tail around my neck. I looked from Tokuichi to the window to study the sun again. It seemed brighter than usual with a pinkish-blue sky that turned bluer the higher the sun rose. The yard didn't really change, except for a round target in the middle of it. I took a deep breath as I studied it. It was round with a couple of circles painted in the middle. A filled-in dot was the first one, which was located directly in the center. Around it was an extended ring that was thinner than the circle, but wasn't as thin as the third. The third circle was a ring around the whole thing. The target stood on three small posts, leaning up more towards the sky. I took a deep breath. "That must be the target they were talking about," I said, as I stood and headed more towards the meeting room.

I managed to get to the meeting room quicker than I thought I would, seeing how I was trying to fight the urge to fall back asleep. I heard voices chatter beyond the door which got louder as I approached. Tokuichi sat patiently on my shoulder as he eventually wrapped his tail around my neck to hold himself if he fell. An uproar of laughter burst through the door as I took a yawn. I opened the door and entered the room quietly to not disturb the conversation. It died down a little as I closed the door. "Morning," I said, as I walked over to an empty seat next to dad. "Morning Harp. You sleep better the rest of the night?" Dad asked as I shrugged. "Yeah. I defiantly crashed when I got to bed," I admitted as I started at my plate. "Sorry for the heart attack last night, Harper," Yukimura said from across the room. He was seated on the other end of the table, with the rest of the Sanada army. I shook my head. "No, that's alright. It was a good test," I said, as Dad chuckled. "Now we know where you are at already, which will be helpful with the training. Maybe we should do it every once in a while," he said as I went to my plate. I ate without saying a word due to still trying to wake up. Yukimura looked at dad. "You're going to have to let us know," he said, as dad nodded. "Oh, we'll keep you informed," he said, as I just ignored the conversation.

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