Warm Winter Day

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Chaeyeon's POV

I met Eunbi's grandma to help me buy gifts. As soon as she saw me she hugged me like her own granddaughter. I didn't have the chance to tell Eunbi that I'm meeting her grandma since she's the busiest person in all of us.

She asked me to eat first before we look around. We went to her favourite restaurant. We sit beside the window, where I can see the people passing by.

"So, how are you my dear?" Grandma happily asked me.

"I'm.. I'm good grandma and healthy." I replied to her with a smile.

"I'm not talking about your health my dear, you know what I mean right?"

I just smiled at grandma, who looked worried about me.

"I know what happened Chaeyeon." Grandma added.

I just kept on smiling, trying not to let any tears fall from my eyes. I looked away from Grandma for a second and looked outside the window. I saw people happily walking.



After watching fireworks we all went back inside the house. It's already 12am. Time for us to sleep. I feel very happy while preparing our blankets. We are all going to sleep together at the floor with comforters as our bed.

I put my blanket and pillow beside Sakura. Of course I'm going to sleep beside her. Honestly, I feel a bit nervous sleeping beside her. It's the first time I will see her sleeping.

Everyone is already in their own spot. Sakura and I are at the end of the corner, beside me is the wall. So it's a bit colder on my spot than the others.

"Good night!" Everyone said as we closed the light.

All of them were already sleeping while I'm still awake. I can't sleep still remembering about earlier. The first time I heard Sakura saying "I love you" still makes my heart raise. Even now I can feel my heart beating fast.

I wonder if she's already asleep. I badly want to look at her sleeping face. I badly want to hug her. We still can't act like a couple in front of them because we're still not official. I don't know when we can tell them about us. After all it's just our second day being together.

"Chaeyeon can you calm yourself please." I hit my head as I'm becoming impatient.

I tried closing my eyes for minutes but I really can't sleep. I slowly turned on her side. She's facing towards me, it's not hard to glance at her face.

I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I slowly moved closer to her face. Finally, my dream just came true. I am looking at the most prettiest girl in the entire world right now. She looks like an angel sleeping quietly. I swear I can just look at her face in the entire night.

I didn't notice that I'm smiling too much while looking at her. I got startled when she suddenly moved. I panicked and quickly turned around, hugging the wall. I didn't dare to look back as I was scared that I woke her up.

I fell asleep, face to face with the wall. I woke up in the middle of the night as I feel very cold even I'm already covered with blanket.

"It's so cold." I muttered half asleep while hugging myself.

Suddenly I feel a blanket thrown to me. Sakura threw her blanket to me.

"She so sweet. She just threw her blanket on her girlfriend. She threw it." I thought to myself while still facing the wall.

I still feel cold even she threw extra blanket to me. I kept rubbing my arms to warm myself. Then finally I felt warm from someone's else. I can feel Sakura's embrace behind me. I'm not sure if I'm just dreaming so I turned around.

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