First Snow

133 14 2

*This chapter is inspired by the song "Winter propose" by VIXX*

*I hope you try to listen to the song as you read, especially at the last part of the chapter. Thank you! :)*


Chaeyeon's POV

I just left Minju's house and now walking to ride a bus. As I was walking down the street, I was mesmerized seeing the snow falling from the sky.

I raised my hand and opened my palm trying to catch snowflakes. I just smiled as I look at the snow. I suddenly remember the most beautiful person I saw in my whole life.



It's been 2 days since Sakura became quite distant to me. I wonder why is she acting like this, I missed her so much. After Minju confessed her feelings to me, we lose our closeness but still tried to act normal. It's better that way at least now Yujin have her way to became more closer with Minju.

It's our last day in school today before our Christmas break. It's the same normal day except Sakura being cold towards me. I'm afraid to confront her because I don't want her to get awkward to me. But I'm really worried about her and I don't think I can hide my feelings towards her anymore. Every passing day my feelings are growing bigger. I don't know how much longer I can hold it.

After our last class, we all decided to eat out. She walked beside Nako and Hitomi. I walked beside Wonyoung. Our maknae loves to cling with me and I don't have any complain about that because she's really cute like a baby.

We sat on the opposite end but I can still see her. I can't help but stare at her beauty. I wonder when I can touch her beautiful face, when I can hold her hands and when I can embrace her like there's no tomorrow.

"Lee Chaeyeon stop wishing too much." I thought to myself as I sipped on my drink.

When will I get enough courage to tell her my feelings? I'm really jealous to Yena and Yuri. They already found each other and very happy on their relationship. I'm jealous with Yujin who's brave enough to show her feelings openly to Minju. I also respect Minju for being straight forward towards her feelings to me. And also there's Chaewon and Hitomi who's not afraid to show affection with each other.

"And you Lee Chaeyeon, you're satisfied with just staring at her, with just dreaming about her, satisfied with just being her friend. You're the most coward person in the entire world." I thought to myself.

"Aaaaarggghhhh!" I accidentally opened my mouth and created a noise. Everyone gave me a weird look, even Sakura.

"Are you okay Chaeyeon?" Eunbi asked me.

"No. Yes. I mean... I'm sorry. I'm okay." I stuttered because of embarrassment. I just hit my head and laughed. Here I go again being stupid.

Thank goodness they quickly removed their attention to me and went back chatting. I wish I could talk to Sakura right now. I wish.

After we eat we decided to go home. We made a plan on going to Eunbi's grandmother's house outside the city. We're all going to stay there for two days and one night. I feel excited as Sakura is also coming.

Sakura and I walked home together as always. She kept being silent and so I am. I didn't try to talk to her since she might get annoyed to me. She just waved her hands before going inside their house. I waved back to her and continued walking.

"Aaaaaarghhhh! What's wrong with you Miyawaki Sakura! Why are you ignoring me!!!" I want to shout but I have to keep it inside my head.

I angrily walked home. As soon as I enter our house I went straight to my room and jumped to my bed. I buried myself in the pillow. I feel my heart aching a bit. I don't know why I am so affected like this. I badly want to hold her but I can't. I badly want to tell her my feelings but I can't. I feel so upset and frustrated right now. Stupid me.

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